Mini Challenge #307- Water Action Art

In this challenge, post an artful image of Water. The image should definitely have water in it, but should show an artistic action form of water. See my images for examples. If you don't have anything in your files, you might consider going out and shooting something like this. It's easy and fun, you can even do it in your kitchen sink! Get creative!
This challenge will run from now till October 25th at 5pm Alaska time (+1 Pacific time).
Un-Official Rules
My examples: Note how the camera is focused on the action of the water verses the whole image of the source of the water.
I know I won't be out with camera(s) in hand during the next couple of weeks, so I'll rely on my portfolio. Fun topic for a mini, Joyce.
1) Small creek in Mariposa during a record rain year. The creek runs down from the foothills through what was lovingly called "the Scum Pond" and then out the other side. The brown stuff is really just silt and mud brought down from the mountain with the rains. The pond has a beautifully photogenic layer of green Algae during the summer when the waters are quiet and then clears up during the rainy season.
2)This is just a silly waterfall along Tioga Highway (Hiway 120) in Yosemite It reminded me of Groot. (Yeah, my imagination runs wild sometimes)
3) An old standby - another small waterfall along Highway 40 in Cisco Grove, Ca. Lots of algae like stuff to make it colorful.
Book 2:
Great start Jo!
I intensely dislike those photos which make the water look fluffy through timed exposure. So I don't have any photos like that. This is the best I could come up with
Pyroclastic flow from a volcano turns the sea to steam

Confused sea which reminded me of a Japanese print

Sun through the ripples makes a pattern on the sand

Neat theme
1) A fountain on the central square in Wroclaw, a combination of water jets and glass panels

2) A quiet afternoon in the park of Brasschaat

3: Fountain on the Hofplein in Rotterdam, all metal parts of this fountain were designed and made by my grandfather

My SmugMug
Love the theme and the images!
Dave Gillespie
Thank you for those who have already entered! There is 3 days left! Get those entries in!
I've enjoyed all of the entries so far, here are mine.
1) My favorite fountain in Bordeaux, on the Place des Quinconces

2) At the entry to the Augsburg botanic gardens

3) Playing ball... the ball was stuck in a weir in one of our city canals

Great theme - wish I had time to play & get some new shots.
Gurgle monster

Crown of splash

Ice bells on the pond

A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
Less than 24 hours left on this challenge!
Fun challenge! Here are three more contributions.
1) Wind across water in Tobermory, Canada

2) Waterfall in the Lake District, UK

3) River over pebbles in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA

This is not an entry because it shows the interplay of oil and water at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, USA

My SmugMug Galleries
This challenge is officially closed. I will have results up shortly! Thanks to all who participated!