Great Horned Owls

in Wildlife
I had the utmost pleasure of "hosting" Great Horned Owl's nesting and raising their 2 brood in 2020! I hear them now as last fall in the evenings talking to each other so am hopeful they will choose a nest close to me again for their 2021 brood. Here's a couple of pictures... I hope you like them.!
"Mother on the Nest"
"Two Babies Emerge"
"It's getting crowded"
"Fun time down at the pond"
Like all of these with the third shot the winner of the bunch. Sure hope they'll be near you this next year. I hear one or more of them very early every morning. Been 10 years on. Their lifespans are very long.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Thank you David. They kept me entertained for months
What an awesome experience. I hope they come back next season too.
I think I would have burned up several memory cards with images of these little fluff balls and Talons.
Thanks Shawn... I took tons of photos and only showed a few here. Kept me totally entertained during early days of COVID
Nice captures!
cute. nice pics. thanks for taking the time to share
Las Cruces Photographer / Las Cruces Wedding Photographer
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Fabulous! I hope they come back again, too.
Photography Blog
Thank you! They are back this winter and are in a tree outside an upstairs window at my house. I believe the eggs have hatched and Mama is trying to keep them warm and dry ... it rains non-stop these days. Stay tuned for new pictures as they get big enough to stand up.
love them all, especially #3
Las Cruces Photographer / Las Cruces Wedding Photographer
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