Flash Brackets?
in Accessories
Looking to see if photographers still use these. Have worked with a well established pro and he did not. What is the opinion on here. I don't have one and am considering one since I like flash. Mostly for on the go event photos. Have a 5D3 with 600 and RT. Open to input.
Déjà vu?
More often I use a DIY "scoop" modifier on the flash which allows rotating the flash head 90 degrees.
Occasionally, I still have a couple of flip-brackets that I use with a wireless trigger system (or flash cord), if I absolutely need to have the flash directly(ish) above the lens.
DIY Scoop modifier:

Stroboframe Pro-T Flash Bracket (flip bracket)

Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
I use light stands for formals, but for events where you are moving around a lot light stands are pretty slow to move. For events like wedding receptions, stands only make sense when the action is contained in a smaller area.
For instance, I covered a large wedding reception outdoors, but only used monolights on stands inside a european-style tent, when the wedding party gave their speeches. Otherwise, I used speedlights/speedlites on the cameras with scoop modifiers, and with ambient light as fill or fill-flash when sunlight was available.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums