Looking for suggestions and advice or tips and tricks
I just started my website because I was doing stock photography but I grew tired of the small change and wanted to show my work to people I work with and such then they can share my work and buy my prints.
I tested the print store with some of my images and I was very impressed with the outcome.
I am hoping I can get some advice on my website on what it might be missing or what could be better. I would love to be able to get my GoFundMe block to work that GoFundMe gives you yet it never works when I paste it in.
I am thinking of doing a blog page. I sort of just thought I would do a more 1 page list of updates instead of doing individual pages. I used to design web pages YEARS ago for like gaming clans so many years ago and most of this stuff is lost on me.
So if you could please give me some tips/tricks for my site and advice/suggestions. Plus how do I get my site out there? Google Ads? Facebook ads? Etc?
Looking for advice!
Link ~
I just started my website because I was doing stock photography but I grew tired of the small change and wanted to show my work to people I work with and such then they can share my work and buy my prints.
I tested the print store with some of my images and I was very impressed with the outcome.
I am hoping I can get some advice on my website on what it might be missing or what could be better. I would love to be able to get my GoFundMe block to work that GoFundMe gives you yet it never works when I paste it in.
I am thinking of doing a blog page. I sort of just thought I would do a more 1 page list of updates instead of doing individual pages. I used to design web pages YEARS ago for like gaming clans so many years ago and most of this stuff is lost on me.
So if you could please give me some tips/tricks for my site and advice/suggestions. Plus how do I get my site out there? Google Ads? Facebook ads? Etc?
Looking for advice!
Link ~
If your GoFundMe code is Javascript (I suspect it is), then it won't work because SmugMug doesn't allow Javascript.
People use SmugMug to create their blog, but I prefer using WordPress and @denisegoldberg uses Blogger.
I took a look on your About page. I would remove your Tech and Software info. When you go to a shop to get your car fixed, do you really care if they use Craftsman, Mac or Snap On tools? I'm a photographer and I don't care what software or camera others use.
Take a look at my SEO for the Photographer link in my signature. It's a bit dated, but the basics are still relevant (Titles and text).
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
I don't think there's any "ranking" value for a dark vs light theme. All of my browsers, YouTube, Facebook etc are set for dark mode, but my website is a light theme. I would just make sure you have enough contrast for what ever theme you chose. I use 'Lighthouse' on all of my browser web tools (https://developers.google.com/web/tools/lighthouse/) to check for Accessibility.
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
I would rethink your home page.
The fundraiser and status down the left side of the page takes away from your photography. If your purpose is to showcase your photos then use your photography to draw the viewer in.
Make it easier for your viewers to get to the type of photos that interest them by categorizing and separating the photos into different galleries.
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
> I would rethink your home page.
> The fundraiser and status down the left side of the page takes away from your photography. If your purpose is to showcase your photos then use your photography to draw the viewer in.
> Make it easier for your viewers to get to the type of photos that interest them by categorizing and separating the photos into different galleries.
Thanks for the home page suggestion. I had thought the same as well but wasnt sure where else to put the gofundme info. I have removed all of it for now. The changelog is basically going to be turned into the blog anyways at some point.
In terms of the photos - yes I also agree about categories vs individual events. The issue is just that, which image falls into each category and what categories would I use. I just haven't really thought it out yet.
I recommend that you change to the mini-footer instead of the full smugmug footer that you are currently using.
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
It wasn't obvious to me on your Galleries/Store page that each thumb on the page represented a gallery. You might consider showing the name over each image, and I would recommend using a larger size on that page.
You can see an example of a page showing the name on my site at https://www.denisegoldberg.com/Gallery/
I would also recommend removing the number of photos online from your header. It's not something that helps your viewer at all.
Have you considered making it easier for folks to find newer photos?
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
I did set it to the mini footer.
I will adjust the gallery.
Most of the new photos are shown immediately on the home page when I upload.
I wanted a popular photos/new photos page but with being a new site Popular photos are not exactly going to show much. So I just stuck with leaving the recent photos on the front page. But I guess I could do a "Newest Photos" page.
I am still tempted to do a light themed site instead of the dark version I have now. Something I just feel like doing but not sure if it will really matter.
Is your gallery a "module" like you know - its dragged from the right and you just changed some settings? or is it more custom?
I am currently creating a gallery page with "Single Photo" modules 3 in a row with bigger sized pictures than there is now - with decent sized text on each image. So it will fix everything you mentioned. Just wondering what you think about this change?
Also if anyone has any customization recommendations, send em. I love making it stand out.
My "gallery" page is a page containing folders where I used the "folders I choose" option.
I highlight new galleries (or folders) on my "kaleidoscope" page at https://www.denisegoldberg.com/Kaleidoscope/. That block is a Folders, Galleries, and Pages element using "items I choose".
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
I feel like with all these individual images to galleries - site loads much slower.
I did combine some galleries. That was a good thing to do while re-doing gallery.
Ok I re-did my gallery --- GO Please take a looK!