Features Similar to Pixieset

Someone tell me why I shouldn't switch to PixieSet. I share this website with my husband/biz partner who has sworn by SmugMug since 2011 and has talked me out of switching every time I have asked about it. I want a parrallax style front page, aesthetically pleasing blogs, a connection to our Instagram page, and a more aesthetic contact form.
On Smugmug, I feel like I have exhausted everything I know when it comes to design. My blog looks acceptable on a computer but my whole wbsite on a phone or tablet looks TERRIBLE. I can't seem to find a design that works on both computer screen and device.
So, before I make a judgement call w/o the approval of my partner, can someone point me in the direction I have been missing for years? Is there a way to create a design as gorgeous as what PixieSet offers? Can you help meeeeee?
Thanks in advance
Also, here is our current website on SM: https://www.kristaandjerryphotography.com/
If you want a Parallax-style home page you can look at this: https://gallery.imagesinthebackcountry.com/Smugmug-customization/Create-a-Parallax-Fixed-Scrolling-SmugMug-Website
SmugMug is great for displaying photos, but not so much for blogs. I suggest either using WordPress or Blogger for that. My website (including blog) is WordPress and I only use SmugMug for my 'Gallery' page. Using Wordpess also allows me to use their contact form (Contact Form 7 Plugin). I know @denisegoldberg uses Blogger for her blog.
Images in the Backcountry
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