Project-specific template

I am fighting a lot with this problem. It was not that important before, now it gets very important that I solve it quickly.
I work on three projects at the same time (let's call them Project A, Project B, Project C)..
It is very important that the colleagues on one project are kept away from the two other projects. They can't have access. But... I cannot use passwords or restricted access. All folders/pages/galeries have to remain public.
So... each project has its own folder, with many sub-folders, galeries, pages.
What is the best way to have a menu that allows users of Project A to navigate inside the Project A folders/galeries/pages but only inside this folder?
I cannot use a full breadcrumb, I cannot use a menu in the header (because it will be the same menu for the whole site). A folder template by project seems the way to go, but the galeries inside that folder won't inherit it.
What am I missing?
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So I did that, and as usual, our friends at SmugMug were very quick to help.
There is, for the time being, no way to "isolate" projects or have sub-folders templates inherit the customizations of their "parents".
The best practice for my problem would be:
Quite easy procedure, will do perfectly... for the time being.