Mini Challenge #355: Beat The Heat (Keeping Cool in a Summer Heatwave) RESULTS

Though I am disappointed that only two people were able to participate in this challenge, I am pleased that the entries most excellently captured what I had in mind with this topic! It was still hard to decide which one get the designation of winner of this mini.
lynnma: While I totally love Fishing in the Breeze, my favorite of yours was About to Cool Off. Those kids are laughing and having a great time. Someone was already in the water and either trying to get back into the raft or seriously about the dump the kids into the water. What fun!
sapphire73: I loved all 3 of your and even the one you posted not for competition. Enjoying the Loch made me wish I were there. I loved that the person has their feet in the water while the dog happily splashes. Backyard Fun show a happy child and all those water droplets. So cute. Playing in the Fountain really shows what I wanted for this challenge. You get a sense of the heat, yet there is someone in the middle of all that fountain spray just soaking it in.
Honorable Mentions:
Lynnma: Fishing in a cool breeze
Sapphire73: Enjoying a Loch in the Glencoe Highlands (might have been a winner in a different theme. I really love this image)
2nd Place: lynnma: About to Cool Off
1st Place Winner: @sapphire73 : Playing in a Fountain in Charleston, SC
Sherry P.
@slpollett (Sherry) Thank you for offering us a fun challenge! And thank you for your input on the photos that @Lynnma and I shared. Much appreciated! And Lynnma, thank you for your support of the mini-challenges! I just returned home from vacation this evening so it may take me a day or two to post a new challenge.
I am hoping that participation in these mini challenges will pick up again in the autumn as it often dips in the summer. But we'll see how it goes.
As for that photo of children in the fountain, they were so thrilled when their mother said they could cool off in the water!
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Congratulations @sapphire73
@slpollett I think the vacation period will have something to do with the low response. &
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Congratulations @sapphire73
Ms. Forgetful here - I set up three entries, previewed them and then forgot to Post Comment! My bad. but the shots that I would have posted were not even close to the great shots entered by @Lynnma and @sapphire73 .
Book 2:
Congratulations Gretchen! and thank you for my 2nd place and honorable mention.. it was a fun challenge and yes, the kids were about to be dumped!
@GSPeP and @Cavalier - good to hear from you both! Jo, it would have been fun to see your entries!
@lynnma - I enjoyed all of your entries. "Fishing in a Cool Breeze" conveys a sense of peace (and the ocean breeze) and "About to Cool Off" is a great title for your capture of the children in the raft! I also love the way you captured Bella getting cooled off.
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