Mini-Challenge #361: Pets or Domestic Animals

For this challenge I would like to see photos of pets or domestic animals. Not wild animals—maybe that’s because I would see all those photos of majestic animals, or birds in flight and end up feeling inadequate. In any case, pets and domestic animals it is. Funny, working, showing affection or sneering at the photographer are all acceptable. I looked through the archives and it looks like it’s been over 4 years since we’ve had a similar theme, even if pets have been entered for challenges with other themes.
Because of Thanksgiving in the US, this challenge will run for 2 1/2 weeks, ending Tuesday, 28 November at 7:00 PM EST.
A few examples:
Just gimme a kiss
Ostrich Farm, California
The best things are in Amazon boxes!
Sleepy Kitty
Dog Reflected
If you haven't yet participated in the challenges, here are the official/unofficial rules:
OMG, I have 1000's of pictures of my fur babies and others. How in the world do I choose, lol. Yikes!
This is my best boi Cotton at 6 weeks. He was born in my house to a stray who adopted us. He grew up to be quite the chonker, but he had the best purrsonality ever. I had him a little over 15 years, but lost him this summer. I will miss that silly cat for the rest of my life.

This is my Abby girl. This tiny petite kitty is Cotton's mother. Sadly, we lost her a couple of weeks ago at 17 yrs old. She was the smallest cat I think I've ever had, but she ruled the roost and didn't let the others ever forget who was in charge. She loved to sit in my lap, but what she really wanted was for me to get up so she could steal my chair. She actually thought it was HER chair and she indulged me by letting me sit in it occasionally. I do miss this sassy girl, but it is kind of nice to have my chair back.
Note: yes, she was posing in front of a backdrop. I was set up to take a few indoor senior pictures, but Abby wanted to be the star of the show. Of course, if she were going to pose so sweetly, I HAD to take a few pics! 

This is Miss Sugar. She is as sweet as her name. She was the youngest of my five cats, but now she is the only. I think she likes being spoiled a little. This is the face she gave me a couple of days ago. She had already had her treats for the morning, but was hoping to con me into giving her a few more.

I may swap these out later when I find the ones I have in mind to use. I didn't want to run out of time and forget to enter something though.
Sherry P.
Thanks for getting us started Sherry @slpollett with lovely pictures of your fur babies.
Well I had to do some serious searching for "Domestic" animals.
Most of mine are wild.
Here is a Feral Blue eyed cat
A Makeshift Studio shot of a friends Dogs
A Zoo shot of an albino Peacock.... Sorta Domestic?
Great images, Shaun. I love the peacock so much, but your dog image is perfection!
Sherry P.
Sounds like a fun challenge! Thanks, Barbara! Will try to come back later with some entries.
My SmugMug Galleries
Great entries Shaun. I'm not sure if a peacock is a domestic animal or not, but some people do keep them as pets so you're good.
We had a young peacock in our yard/garden for awhile - he left looking for a pea-hen
I have a lot of photos of our cats, but none of them are of the quality of Sherry's. I have photos of my dog, but they were all taken by my dad. So I have this photo I took in Costa Rica from a tour bus
Thinking to add some farm animals to go with the goat
2. Lambing time in Yorkshire
This is a photo that I just found - taken when I was developing and printing B&W film. I was at an event and I was trying to take a photo of a rider going past me. It is the only time I have been successful at panning. The rider is Karen Stives, but this is not her Olympic horse Ben Arthur
Great entries @grandmaR.
Too much going on ,- almost missed this mini! Here are my guys:
1) Yes, I am playing with the throw. Deal with it. Willie, who poses with sad , no one loves me, I never get fed face. He lies!
2) Our first Cavalier, Crosby, waiting for Daddy to come home.
3) Our third Cav,, Ollie, who liked dragonflies, but fell in love with this metal dragonfly.
Book 2:
Found some: &
FB: - Youtube:
Just processed a few photos of sheep, taken this past June.
1) Sheep in Honister Pass

2) Lamb

3) Sheep on the Road

My SmugMug Galleries
There is just under one day left in this challenge. I'm glad to see a few more entries. Thanks for the great entries Jo @Cavalier, Peter @GSPeP, and Gretchen @sapphire73.
This challenge is now closed. I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to decide, but I should get results up tomorrow.