Mini Challenge #376 -- A Hint of Color

I don't think we've had anything like this for a while, so here goes. What I am looking for are photos with just a hint of color. That can be a photo with overall pale, dilute color or a photo with just a small area of color (doesn't have to be dilute in this case) and the rest is neutral. For neutral I'm thinking black, white, gray, or beiges/sandy colors. The beige can either be the neutral or it can count as the hint of color. I'm pretty flexible here. While conceiving of this topic I mainly thought of naturally occurring subjects, but I will also include photos that have been modified (i.e. selective color or desaturation).
This challenge will run until Sunday 27 October at 8PM Eastern Daylight Time. Rules are located here:
Here are a few examples.
Life in a lava field
Pale yellow in the center of a white rose
Shadow, posing like a good cat
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's take on this theme.
Fun idea

1) You talking to me?
2) Hatteras

3 ) A spot of color (red eye and legs- swallowtail gull)

Great idea for a mini! Not sure whether any of these are close to what you are thinking offers a hint of color, but here are three tentative entries. There may be too much blue in the 1st and 3rd photos… I will keep looking but these are the best options from my archive of photos in SmugMug.
1) Glacier in Alaska

2) Night Blooming Cereus

3) Boat near Alaska

My SmugMug Galleries
Oooo this is an interesting challenge! I don't have many photos that fit the bill... I will dig into my archives
"Either we'll figure out the sea, or we'll keep finding beautiful places."
Was waiting for the light to come on
I cannot, unfortunately, participate in this mini. Please do not include my images for judging.
What an interesting topic. One that I had go on an all-out search for images just to see if I had any.
I was surprised to find a few I can share.
A hint of Orange?

A hint of Yellow

A hint of Red

A hint of Green (around the eyes)
Fun topic!
1) Just hanging around waiting for Holloween and enjoying the sunrise.

2) Water Fowl area getting the nasties burned off.

3) Sun provides a little color at top and bottom - foggy day.

Book 2:
I don't think I'll have much for this one, but I'll see if I have time to try something new.
The one and only time I have ever done or tried a selective color in a photo I took. This is my friend's daughter. This was very early in my photography journey. I'd only had the dSLR for a year or two at this point and was still learning.

Eclipse 2024 -- I think this one might fit! It's the last little sliver of the sun before the moon completely covered it during the total solar eclipse of 2024

Bear at Brooks Falls, Katmai National Park -- Not sure if this one fits or not. It's mostly greys and browns, but there's that splash of red on the salmon the bear caught.

Let me know if you don't think it fits and I'll try to find something else and swap it out.
Sherry P.
Great entries (and not-entries) so far. I really like the different interpretations of the theme. Keep 'em coming.
Here's a spot of colour for you. I call him The Lord Protector Of Those Bushes South Of The Sunset Beach Dog Beach And Probably Some Of The Trees Next To The Aquatic Centre. Taken January 30 of this year. As I understand it, It's about the time Anna's Hummingbirds start courting and staking out territories
And, a bit older: a strand of kelp (or something), at Djúpalónssandur Beach, Iceland -- May 2019
"Either we'll figure out the sea, or we'll keep finding beautiful places."
There's just under a day left in this challenge. So, if you were thinking of entering, now's the time to do it.
This challenge is now closed. Thank you for all the entries. I'll try to get the results up tomorrow.
Sorry for the delay. I was out of town and ended up delaying my return by a day. I'm back and working on the results now so I should be done later today.