1/2 Alpe d'Huez or Mt Washington

Well, I might not be Lance, but I can fantasize with the best of them. This is the top of Old Grand Teton Pass, about 2k vertical feet in about 4 miles, which is pretty steep. Mt Washington and Alpe d'Huez are no steeper, but go on twice as long. I should have ridden down the other side and back up, but no time.

If not now, when?
i gotta dig up the old pix of mine where i bicycled up the real mt. washington in new hampshire - 8 miles uphill ... ahh those days when i was in shape, 20 years ago
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awesome pic!
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Since all the advrider gang was out in Ouray this past weekend I've been thinking about my Bicycle Tour of Colorado trip about five years ago. Man I wish I could go back and do that again!
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I don't think I would have done this if Andy hadn't praised this shot, but I straightened out the horizon and sent it to Outside Magazine as a possible "Parting Shot". Looked pretty good to me after I straightened it. The fact that it was crooked really spoiled it for me and kept me from seeing the good shot lurking inside. I thought it was a good bicycle brag, nothing more.
Online photo sharing/critique like dgrin is really great for this kind of thing. It's often hard to evaluate one's own work. Many times I've selected shots from my proofsheets and then had others find better ones that for some reason didn't work as well for me at first.
It's interesting how different it is to work with images from a P&S versus imagees from a real camera. Don't sharpen this! Don't LAB steepen! That was all done in the camera.