I hope Baldy doesn't get mad...

... but he just posted some outrageously great shots to his other board, the motorcycle one. Like a thieving magpie, I am going to pluck the nice shiny ones and bring them to our nest here, so we can enjoy them too. If Baldy gets pissed, he'll fire me, and I'll treat it as a learning experience and grow as a person.

There are more in this thread on ADVRider.

There are more in this thread on ADVRider.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Take a look at the first page of this thread and you'll see what a 12mm lens can do. Warning, it's a loooong first page with lots of photos!
The shots were made on film and scanned for posting. I don't know the guy, so I won't repost his images. but they're well worth a look.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Operating System Design, Drivers, Software
Villa Del Rio II, Talamban, Pit-os, Cebu, Ph
sid - i used a voigtlander when i first started out in photography
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Baldy, you mentioned you wanted to dodge/burn the top shot. I linked you to Cletus' tip on a gentler way to do it. Here are my results.
After lightening the rider.
After also darkening the background and adding a smidge of contrast and brightness.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
sid - watch yer back! lol
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Some of my favs were actually shots from the side with the shutter slowed down to create motion blur:
I love action shots of people you know more than anything. It's so fun to watch their eyes light up and say it's something they want to keep and show their grandkids.
Digital photography ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What did we ever do without it? It's the greatest hobby ever.
My only problem with your portraits, is missing my 300mm. The 1.6x mulitplier puts your 70-200 in that range, what a great way to get a 300mm look without the $4000.00. Hmmmn, cheaper to get a 10D, then the 300mm.
I also really enjoyed seeing your action photos. I had hoped to get out there to get some shots, but the timing did not work out. Hopefully I can get some great shots at the Cromag Campout. Maybe iillyyaa will do some stoppies and Max will do some burnouts on their GS's.
I think we can work something out. I really need to learn how to wheelie my DRZ. I did once when I went over some Railroad Tracks at the Hot Springs Rally, oooopps too much throttle.
What the heck is a 661 pressuresuit? I have visions of you looking like an astronaut...
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Who left the lock off his cage?
How does it feel to hijack your own thread?
i want one of these, but i don't ride a motorcyle. it'll make me look buff again, and it might help me with the missus ...
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patch, are you one of them downhill mountain bikers? or just really really safe? thats a hell of a piece of armor... you wear that under your hi-viz stitch? And you live down south in the heat, right? wow. you da man. you don't need to wheelie
It was the Michelin Man.
No not a downhiller. I rode a lot ten years ago when I lived in Alaska, mostly cross country single track. I have mostly ridden road since I moved back to GA. Now I am trying to get back into Mountain Biking. I can do small short time wheelies to clear objects, but I would like to be able to do longer ones just for the skill. I was kidding about wearing the stich with the pressure suit. Mountain biking is usually done without any pads, just a helmet and gloves. I just see crashing in my future trying wheelies.
The pressure suit was part of the deal when I got the DRZ in May. I have just used the stich so far, but when I get a chance I will try dressing like a motocrosser and should stay cooler. I just feel safer in the stich and I do not think the PS would fit under it. Most of my rides have still taken me on street and dirt, have to think the stich works best there.
I have not been out on the DRZ too much lately. I need wxwax to change the forecast and drop the temp below 90. something in the 50's or 60's would be great.
I have an idea, I'll teach you how to wheelie if you loan me the DRZ
What type of paddling? I have a sea kayak (and a canoe). I am trying to get out and use it more too.
70's sounds great.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I saw your photos and all the Ouray photos and really want to get to that part of Colorado. I have so many dream trips, one is to mountain bike or hike the entire great divide route, hike the AT, hike the PCT, sea kayak the BC/AK coastal area (same with Newfoundland and Nova Scotia), travel to the NW territories, if I can manage that then I will start to look at the rest of the world, Hawaii, Iceland, New Zealand, Chile. I guess I have not choice, but to retire now (or win the lottery
I think I must ride the Continental Divide route soon. I bought the maps from Adventure Bicycling when they came out, and I read Clement Salvadori's article and caught the bug. I think I would prefer a Dual-Sport to a bicycle these days. 20 years ago I probably would have wanted to bicycle it, but now I prefer some comfort along the way. On a bicycle it would take several weeks I think maybe 3-8 weeks. With a twist grip, 2-3 weeks will be enough. I wonder if you start in the spring and ride north as the weather warms if that is better than riding the southerly direction. Any thoughts about this?
The two weeks I spent in Colorado with family this summer were great - lots of neat dirt roads around Salida and Buena Vista, many of which end at the top of 14,000 foot mountains -
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin