RAW conversion: Adobe 1998 or sRGB

What color space does everyone use when converting from RAW to JPEG, Adobe 1998 or sRGB, others? What default color space does everyone use for JPEG files in general? Is it the same all the time?
TML Photography

TML Photography
I've been having trouble with this lately myself!
I've been bringing in RAW images in Adobe 1998. When I used Imageready or Save For Web... to generate a JPEG, the mode was switched to sRGB, and the results were horrible. I've started using Convert to Profile... (from the Image menu) to convert to sRGB before I use Imageready or Save for web. On the other hand, DoctorIt brings his RAW images in to Photoshop in sRGB and doesn't have to worry about the conversion.
To answer the second part of your question, any JPEG that is intended for display on the web should probably be in sRGB format.
Adobe 98 is a good color space, but it's used for professional pre-press.
Here's more info: http://www.smugmug.com/help/display-color
TML Photography