help - trying to decide which ad to use...
My original intention for this ad was to include a picture of myself because only one other wedding photographer advertising in this magazine did that - and I thought it would stick out nicely. I thought it gave the ad a more intimate, engaging feel.

Then, as I was trying to select the best images for the layout, something where they all worked together, I dropped this image over the background and pow. It's got a great feel, you can see both their rings even and they're kissing. woot! But it feels more formal I guess.

Any thoughts? Deadline is soon, just not sure which way to go...

Then, as I was trying to select the best images for the layout, something where they all worked together, I dropped this image over the background and pow. It's got a great feel, you can see both their rings even and they're kissing. woot! But it feels more formal I guess.

Any thoughts? Deadline is soon, just not sure which way to go...
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
18-55mm, 28-105mm USM II, 50mm f/1.8, 400mm f/5.6
We never know how something we say, do, or think today, will effect the lives of millions tomorrow....BJ Palmer
I love your logo; simple, clean, creative; effective!
I would concentrate on the three framed photos. I'll guess your intent was to show variety but I think visual confusion is the result. Choose 3 images that are similar in weight and all processed the same (ie: BW on a monotone or color BG) for a more elegant look.
May I suggest you rethink the phrase "or Wherever"? I think it has a negative connotation.
Perhaps... "serving South Florida - and beyond"
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
i think if you make it more apparent that you are learning on the R, people will see what i think you are trying to accomplish
my stuff
I agree 100% with what Laurie said. I like you down in the corner and the casual leaning pose, as long as it looks like you are leaning on something. But hey what do I know I'm a female:D
I like the add with the background the best.
I also like the change suggested in the last part of the add.
Serving South Florida and Beyond...
Good Luck,
Any thoughts? Deadline is soon, just not sure which way to go...[/quote]
Aperture Focus Photography
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
I think you have some excellent elements, but they don't seem to work together to enhance each other, and become greater than the individual elements.
I think your name / logo is great. The photos are very nice and show your capabilities.
I have mixed feelings about your photo. When I first saw it struck me as maybe a guy trying to be too cool. I think the wedding photographer, with the exception of the formal shots, should be invisible. In order to get those candid shots, you don't want the guests to pay any attention to you.
Then I look at it again and think, (if straightened) It shows a well dressed very presentable guy.
Take a break, and look at it in the morning.
Good luck,
I know it will come out well.
Except the one on my logo - thank you!!
I made a few changes. While I like having my picture in the ad - in fact that idea was what got this layout started - I wasn't happy with the expression and pose. Not enough smiling, awkward lean. But Sam's comment was exactly what I was going for, an image that made you feel comfortable with the guy.
I lvoe that background image, but I also liked the white-space of the other - so I tried this combination. I think it works in both areas, enough room, but still gets that image across and now your eye isn't torn between the top left and bottom right, it flows better.
I redid the first small image and dropped the "or wherever". It's what I want to say, but the negative connotation is there, gives wrong impression. Since this is going in a Florida magazine, I figured it was redundant anyway.
others, I would suggest a change to the pose you're in.