Seattle Erotic Arts Festival
I'm really thrilled to announce that I've had two photographs juried into the Seattle Erotic Arts Festival.
Both are quite non-worksafe, so I will provide links to them rather than post them here.
"A Holding Action" -
"Cookies" -
I am, understandably I hope, quite pleased.
Both are quite non-worksafe, so I will provide links to them rather than post them here.
"A Holding Action" -
"Cookies" -
I am, understandably I hope, quite pleased.
don't quit your day job.
Wow, you're some piece of work.
Don't get your shark out - mmmmmk flugs?
congrats on the pics-
as far as I am concerned (I can only speak for myself), and for what it's worth, you are most certainly welcome on this forum-
Some of the people around here do...
I am more than a little surprised by the response from one dgrinner. Since when is the body not a valid subject for art?
Edit: Corrected, Andy.
Correct that: it's ONE person.
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While I don't personally care for these at all, it's very clear that you're proud of them and definetely more people than just me are a fan of them! Good work.
Congratulations on being selected by the judges. Their choices are what matters in this competition.
I myself would have some comments on the pictures, not of the subject, but the composition, but since this has become "one of those threads", I'll refrain.
Post some pics of some nekid men and I might sing a different song.
Lighten up people.
One man's trash is another man's treasure.
** Feel free to edit my photos if you see room for improvement.**
Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if
no birds sang there except those that sang best.
~Henry Van Dyke
You might wanna study some of this work in the link below.
I'm not into nudes or porn shots but this link below is professional work!
Mod edit: Deleted, pornographic material. Not so much the photographs as the ads that accompany them.
Sorry....I'll PM the link to apologies!
Manfrotto Mono | Bag- LowePro Slingshot 100AW
I wasn't paying attention about the header and footer in the link.:wow
My humblest apologies to all!
Manfrotto Mono | Bag- LowePro Slingshot 100AW
they weren't that bad.
beautiful website you have too. "attitudes, artistic, atmospheres, amplitudes" . . . great associations to the shots contained in each gallery! and the shots are great.
I knew, of course, that trees and plants had roots, stems, bark, branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself.
Edward Steichen
Everyone knows you never drink Merlot with chocolate chip! What were you thinking man???
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
There are always those that think if it is created in this age it is porn and if the exact same piece of art was created during Da Vinci's time it is art and then there are those that think the sculpture of David and Venus di Milo are porn also......
It is personal opinon, what is / is not art, and if one can critique the work constructively that is good...but as others have said....We , people in general, should never ATTACK anyone personally.
The ones that attacked you should spend a little time researching bibical some of it truly verges on the modern def of porn.
Or at least they should spend a little time in europe or studying european artist and art (of the human body) and photography.
Americans are way tooooooooo uptight over the showing of nude bodies.
That is why our children grow up thinking nude and sex are dirty......
It is art and if you don't like it or its content or message.....DON'T LOoK......cause you just might go blind.
I didn't think they were too trashy, but they needed more cowbell ...
Congrats on the contest, and the subject matter could very well be interesting, but think about your angles, composition, and depth of field.
These photos look like video stills, f/8 and too much DOF.
Interest in nude comes when you leave mystery and get the viewer's mind thinking and racing.
If anything, this should just be more encouragement for you to keep experimenting.
[Bodies] Canon EOS 20D - Canon EOS 500
[Lenses] Sigma APO 70-200 f/2.8 - Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 - Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 - Tamron XR Di 28-75mm f/2.8 - Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6
[Flash] Sigma EF500 Super DG Flash
[Tripod] Manfrotto 055 Pro Black
[Head] 484RC2, 200RC2
I entered three, and one (the one that was not chosen) was entered as a friendly joke. Last year I entered my favorite piece ("Why I Like Ballet") and it was rejected as "too vanilla." So this year I did a shot of a woman's crotch with a very large vanilla bean across it and called it, "Vanilla Porn."
The jury got the joke.
Since it's a blind judging they didn't know which other pieces were mine, and the other two serious pieces were accepted.
With that said, yes, I agree, I have other pieces that I like better, too. But one must take the competition and the mindset of the likely judging panel in mind, which is why I chose those two pieces to enter. Thankfully, I guessed right. At the end of the day, my sales (both of the juried art as well as in the festival store) are a decent metric of how well I did - and again, I'm still very pleased. There's a new D200 for me next week when I get my check.
As to the controversy here, I have nothing to add that hasn't already been said. The world would be a very boring place if everyone liked the same things and held the same opinions on art (or lack thereof).
Bingo. What a great attitude you have. Congrats on receiving recognition for your work, and thanks for sharing it. Keep posting.
Link to my Smugmug site
Not stating that camblers work is trash, just that opinions will differ on any one thing. That's all.
** Feel free to edit my photos if you see room for improvement.**
Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if
no birds sang there except those that sang best.
~Henry Van Dyke
oh wow. congrats. I saw that photo on Livejournal actually.
Detroit Wedding Photography Blog
Canon 10D | 20D | 5D
Yeah, the shots aren't all that artistic and not perfect technically
I liked the "reach around" the chair, in the first shot and the second one reminded me of one of those Rachel Ray "Dinner in 30 Minutes" TV shows. "OK, you start by putting the dough on your tummy, making sure to dust with flour first......." :lol :lol "Your body heat will cause the dough to start rising"
Sorry, I couldn't help myself
Nice shots, definitely not trash and I enjoyed both of them
I hope the negative comments by Mr "Don't Quit Your Day Job", didn't outweigh the useful and more supportive comments you received
Oh yeah, and if we're taking a poll, I vigorously vote no on Storm's neekid men proposal.....
** Feel free to edit my photos if you see room for improvement.**
Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if
no birds sang there except those that sang best.
~Henry Van Dyke
I've seen your work floating around I wanted to comment on some of it.
So, your not afraid to explore subject matter that some of us are. However, it seems like it all about you having naked ladies in shots and not at all about the composition of the picture, in my opinion.
That kitchen, I've seen a few shots in it, is just too busy. If she was clothed and had the same pose and everything I think you might get the same comment.
The 'holding action' picture doesn't hold much for me either. I don't like seeing the window or the chair. If you were to try it again, get her against a clear backdrop and have the man sit below her and grap upwards.
For me the nude pictures are all about the lines, curves. The first doesn't really have them and the second's is drowned out by the background.
Pictures on your website show you can take really good shots. So, I will agree with the other person who said these aren't your best.
Congrats on getting recognized!
In this case, the kitchen is busy for a reason: the shot tells a story. This is one frame from a much larger book - a cookbook of actual recipes with the preparation of each recipe photographed as nudes.
Is it about naked ladies? Of course it is, just like Playboy is about naked ladies.
So I appreciate your point, but I find it ironic that the very thing you point out as "bad" in your opinion is exactly what I was going for.
Again, a perfect example of why art is subjective and neither of us is wrong. :-)
So, I hope I cleared that up. Looks like just a shot of a naked lady because the setting is too busy, hence doesn't show a photographic vision bringing all the elements together to focus on the subject.
Again, I like other photos on your website a lot better.
Also, I'm by no means a professional myself, and have no experience in your area but its my .02 take it or through it in a well and make a wish that you win the competition and silence us all.
Have a good day,
In the case of Cookies, I think the metric here (strictly for me) is that I sold all but three of the prints I had available and the large, framed version hanging there generated a lot of buzz and good publicity for me, so I did consider it a success. I agree, there are other shots I've done that I like better - but this was chosen quite deliberately for this show, knowing the audience and jury. A few of the points you make were, in fact, things that I suspected the jury would like. Isn't art ironic? :-)
Also love your Netflix site. Get those bastards!!
I second that and, if I may, suggest more cowbell at DGrin overall.
... come along.