Ok, I got a sale, I think ...

Ok, in my control panel the pro sales has figures in the sales to date, earnings etc, but when I click on sales details the status is Not Paid.
Am I right in assuming that the client has put these photos in the cart but not gone through the checkout etc ?
In which case, why is it showing up as earnings ? If they haven't paid then noone has the money yet so it hasn't been earnt ...
Also another thing, there is no indication of the currency or the size of the photos in the cart. Is it possible to add this ?
Am I right in assuming that the client has put these photos in the cart but not gone through the checkout etc ?
In which case, why is it showing up as earnings ? If they haven't paid then noone has the money yet so it hasn't been earnt ...
Also another thing, there is no indication of the currency or the size of the photos in the cart. Is it possible to add this ?
I think this means that SMUGMUG has not paid YOU.
Oh and "not paid" means WE have not paid YOU.
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ok. so it means the sale went through ?
Click on the order number - it will take you to a details screen you'll see the sizes ordered, and also that the currency is $.
I hope this helps!
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I did click on the details screen, that how I knew the status of Not Paid.
What I'm talking about is the cart screen that the customer sees.
There is no indication of size or currency. Yes, it says 4x6, but is it miles or millimetres ? Yes, it has the $ sign, but there is no indication of USD, AUS or CAD ...
All of our sales are in USD. And the size is listed in the cart, as well as on your reporting. Are you still not seeing it - if so, holler and I'll come back
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www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
However I just noticed it does state USD right at the total soooo that part is taken care of and it's a matter of us users need new contacts or eyeglasses (don't worry my appointment is this weekend).
SmugMug Support Hero
I often see European references to A3 and A4 when it comes to photo size.
Anyway, my point is that it doesn't seem like there's any international standard to photo sizes.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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Exactly why specifying is a good idea. I see the A# refferences every day, and always end up looking them up, but it's still one of those things to think about. It just pops into my head right away as I have had it drilled in in alot of web design usability/marketing classes.
With the size, I was saying the wrong thing. Yes, the size is there and I automatically assumed it was 4"x6" because that is what we generally use. But the units are not, without units they are just numbers and could mean anything.
I did have a customer ask me if we did prints bigger than 20x30 because that was only A4 size ... She was assuming it to be centimetres.
Personally I think the line in the drop down menu should be something like
4"x6"(10cmx15cm) Gloss - US$3.00
or even better would be the option to use the currency of your own choice.
Thanks again for your time.
Thank you - cart dropdowns etc are on JT's todo list, sometime, in the future!
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It means inches to the UK as well of course ;-)