Error with IE when buying digital downloads
I get this error when trying the new digital download:
I use IE6 on MS Windows XP Pro 2002 SP1
Best regards,
David List
I use IE6 on MS Windows XP Pro 2002 SP1
Best regards,
David List
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Yes. I run programs that have problems with SP2.
Thanks for answering. BTW, I noted that both sides of that page - both invoice address and delivery address are shown when using Mozilla. I believe the intention was that the delivery address should not be shown when choosing "Digital Download". JT should be able to answer that.
Best regards,
David List
Just tested a digital download only cart in Moz - I don't see the shipping address?
You really should upgrade. There are lots of vulnerabilities in sp1. I upgraded one of my computers and it went just fine.
Best regards,
David List
Best regards,
David List
You need to make sure all your drivers and programs have the latest updates before you install SP2. Then there shouldn't be a problem. (those sound like famous last words
Enough time has past since the initial launch of SP2 that all the drivers and most programs should be updated. If you have a program that won't run on SP2 you could always run a dual boot situation.
Basic but makin' changes
Best regards,
David List
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Apparently not...
Best regards,
David List