Proof Delay Question ---

I just ordered prints from my site (in galleries where I had set the proof delay to 1 day)...and I got the confirmation email which said:
"This email is your order confirmation and payment receipt. It will take about 3 business days to process your order because the photographer whose prints you've ordered has requested extra time to make sure the images are perfect before we process your order."
Now to the questions:
1. I didn't get an email telling me that someone had ordered prints and now the clock is ticking for me to get them touched up. Shouldn't I recieved a separate email according to the message above?
2. When I'm ordering prints from my site (logged in, of course), I don't want the proof delay. This is obvious, right?
Can someone please explain what happens in this scenario? Thanks.
"This email is your order confirmation and payment receipt. It will take about 3 business days to process your order because the photographer whose prints you've ordered has requested extra time to make sure the images are perfect before we process your order."
Now to the questions:
1. I didn't get an email telling me that someone had ordered prints and now the clock is ticking for me to get them touched up. Shouldn't I recieved a separate email according to the message above?
2. When I'm ordering prints from my site (logged in, of course), I don't want the proof delay. This is obvious, right?
Can someone please explain what happens in this scenario? Thanks.
Ryan Oakley - [My smugmug site] [My blog about creating a part-time photography business]
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2. When I'm ordering prints from my site (logged in, of course), I don't want the proof delay. This is obvious, right? [/QUOTE]
Sorry, it's not obvious
Moved to SmugMug Pro Sales Support.
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OK --- I'm a little lost now...
In my senario, I was logged in to my site when I ordered the prints (so there was no profit applied).
Will the proof delay be applied to this order?
If not, great. Except whey would I have recieved this message ---
"This email is your order confirmation and payment receipt. It will take about 3 business days to process your order because the photographer whose prints you've ordered has requested extra time to make sure the images are perfect before we process your order."
If the proof delay was applied (which you've told me it wouldn't be if there is no profit), then why didn't I get the "ship it now" button?
Sorry to beat this one to death Andy. I'm just not satisfied I understand it yet... [My blog about creating a part-time photography business]
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If the proof delay was applied (which you've told me it wouldn't be if there is no profit), then why didn't I get the "ship it now" button?
Sorry to beat this one to death Andy. I'm just not satisfied I understand it yet...[/QUOTE]
you won't see a ship it button if it's a no-profit order.
Try another one, set the prices at .01 higher
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Try another one, set the prices at .01 higher[/quote]
OK -
So it WILL have the proof delay (if set in the gallery) regardless of cost (base or profit).
But if it is a no-profit order I will not get a ship it button. Why? I don't want to have to wait?
This isn't making much sense to me... [My blog about creating a part-time photography business]
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thanks ...
If you'll tell me the order numbers, the one that did have a ship it button and the one that doesn't. I'll take a look!
man you guys are quick...:D
156397 had the button
159927 does not...
thanks a million
Ok I looked into this more and I can see why everyone is confused! As it turns out, currently if you have pro pricing set on your SmugMug site at all... backprinting and proof-delay are in effect. This is regardless of whether you are logged in or not or a given order makes you profit or not.
This, of course, is a problem! You don't want to wait for your prints. We get that. Also, if your family orders prints for an "at-cost" album... you want to be able to click "ship it!" when the prints are ready. I've reported the issue and we'll work on changing the feature.
To be clear, we all want this, right? :
If you have pro pricing set anywhere on your site, proof-delay is in effect. Except, when you are logged in as site owner and placing an order.
The question remains:
In the case where you have a gallery with "at-cost" pricing, so the order doesn't show up in your sales = no ship it button, what should we do about proof-delay?
Let me check on this one...
Hmm... I'm a little bit stumped here. It looks like you changed your proof-delay settings since these orders were placed. Used to be 7 days and now it's 1. It looks like 156397 contained images from the same gallery, whereas 159927 contained images from 3 or more different galleries. I'm going off a hunch here, but is it possible that you had different number of proof-delay days set for those 3+ galleries? e.g. one was set to 7 days, and the other two were set to 2 days?
Uhhh... I don't have proof-delay set for any of my galleries yet. Wanted to wait and see how this thing works &/or whether or not I really want to use it... only for a future event when I have tons of photos that I don't have time to completly process... soooo if I don't have the proof delay set-up/enabled for a gallery then I don't want my customers getting the delay messege. Only if and when they've ordered at least one or more photos that I have delay enabled for. Otherwise: Just process as usuall and let me know they ordered via e-mail (gee I love the e-mail notifications... saves tons of time checking
I'm sorry, I should have clarified. If you have proof-delay set to 0 days, then no message.
if I put up a photo for sale and put up a proof delay it is specificallly because the image I uploaded to Smugmug is NOT ready to ship to a printer. This fact does not change whether I am logged in and ordering or whether someone else is ordering -- the file is not ready to print.
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Oh - I figured that if I was going to go into my own site and order a print, it would already be it's best. Or I would have made the edits to it BEFORE I logged in and ordered it. [My blog about creating a part-time photography business]
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