Yikes --- My prints came out dark!

OK, I suppose I haven't thought much about the difference between my monitor and my prints --- until I decided to order the "calibration" print through smugmug along with a few shots from my brothers wedding.
They arrived --- and boy am I in trouble.
It is clear that my monitor is MUCH brighter than the real deal and I have no clue if my colors are right either. NOW I realize the amount of wasted nit picking on photoshop has been a big waste of time. Crap. OK, move on --- I just need to fix it, right? Right.
So I read the calibration pages in smugmug help and Andy's tutorial on soft-proofing. Uh-oh, photoshop elements 4.0 doesn't allow soft-proffing. Now what? I tried the Adobe Gamma wizard through Windows and that wasn't much help.
What do I do? I don't have lots of $$$ to buy the expensive tools to calibrate my monitor --- but I'll sacrifice if I have to.
Or do I just have to watch my histogram and the RGB numbers and learn to not trust my eyes. Ohhh...that sounds awful.
Any help? Thanks.
And please move this to the right forum if I've got it wrong.
They arrived --- and boy am I in trouble.
It is clear that my monitor is MUCH brighter than the real deal and I have no clue if my colors are right either. NOW I realize the amount of wasted nit picking on photoshop has been a big waste of time. Crap. OK, move on --- I just need to fix it, right? Right.
So I read the calibration pages in smugmug help and Andy's tutorial on soft-proofing. Uh-oh, photoshop elements 4.0 doesn't allow soft-proffing. Now what? I tried the Adobe Gamma wizard through Windows and that wasn't much help.
What do I do? I don't have lots of $$$ to buy the expensive tools to calibrate my monitor --- but I'll sacrifice if I have to.
Or do I just have to watch my histogram and the RGB numbers and learn to not trust my eyes. Ohhh...that sounds awful.
Any help? Thanks.
And please move this to the right forum if I've got it wrong.
Ryan Oakley - www.ryanoakleyphotography.ca [My smugmug site]
www.photographyontheside.com [My blog about creating a part-time photography business]
Create A Gorgeous Photography Website with Smugmug in 90 Minutes [My free course if you need help setting up and customizing your SmugMug site]
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One thing you could do, is spend only $75 and get the Huey: http://dgrin.smugmug.com/gallery/1174347
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Oh and keep that order #handy. I'd like to see you rework those images, and then I'll do a reorder for you, no charge of course. It's all part of the SmugMug Guarantee:
And, if you want me to work on one for you/with you, I'd be happy to.
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You'll allow me a reorder for no charge even though I specified "true" color? Not saying I won't take it, but aren't the poor prints my fault???
www.photographyontheside.com [My blog about creating a part-time photography business]
Create A Gorgeous Photography Website with Smugmug in 90 Minutes [My free course if you need help setting up and customizing your SmugMug site]
Our Guarantee is our guarantee. Doesn't matter if you used True or Auto Color. We want you to be happy! Holler at me when you're ready
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Hi Andy, as always you have been a tremendous help. And, as always, I have another question:
OK, I photoshopped some photos, made them look good on my screen, and then printed with "true" color turned on --- as we now know, those photos came out dark on paper. Now my questions is: If I print those same photos with "Auto" color turned on, will they print out lighter? Assuming I haven't made any changes to them...
I'm just trying to figure out If I should put a "hold" on all printing until I calibrate my monitor, or if it will be alright if people printed using "auto".
www.photographyontheside.com [My blog about creating a part-time photography business]
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Yes, they will. The biggest issue for true color prints is exposure. Monitors are getting brighter all the time but prints never change, so it fools many photographers into thinking their photos are adjusted correctly, only to have them come out too dark with true color. Here's a help section about that:
The second is shadow detail. Prints don't have the dynamic range between darkness and light that monitors do. So we bring up the shadows some on autocolor. And skin tones end up being more pleasing. It's why so few labs offer a true color option anymore.
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So I guess the "true" color should be handled with care. Unless you're sure that your monitor is calibrated, and that you've checked your histogram for reasonable levels.
But I suppose, for me, I spend so much time tweaking my photos, I feel I don't want some "auto" thing to come in a screw my shots up. But that's a bad way to think and it sounds like the "auto" will only improve my shots.
I think I'm starting to understand. And I think I'll fork out the bucks for that calibration do-hicky. It's worth it. AND, I think I will use smugmug's guarantee and get my photos reprinted. But I should wait until I get the new hardware. The guarantee is 30 days, right?
www.photographyontheside.com [My blog about creating a part-time photography business]
Create A Gorgeous Photography Website with Smugmug in 90 Minutes [My free course if you need help setting up and customizing your SmugMug site]
Huey seems neat. Any idea if it works on laptops that used shared video memory (i.e. laptops on which a getrag macbeth eye-one display 2 doesnt work)?
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So is this just the best I can do and I should just move on? If the answer is yes, I'm willing to do that cause I know it's better than it was...
[edit] --- at second glance, the prints I recieved through smugmug from my own pictures are still significanlty darker than my screen. Even after the calibration. Was that just a waste of $100???
Thanks for your help.
www.photographyontheside.com [My blog about creating a part-time photography business]
Create A Gorgeous Photography Website with Smugmug in 90 Minutes [My free course if you need help setting up and customizing your SmugMug site]
Have you reworked files, and then ordered some new prints? Can't be that fast
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I'm not sure what you mean. Am I supposed to be tweaking my screen after the Huey does it's thing??? Sorry, I just don't understand...
I haven't touched my files because I don't trust my monitor yet. See above.
Thanks for your patience on this Andy...
www.photographyontheside.com [My blog about creating a part-time photography business]
Create A Gorgeous Photography Website with Smugmug in 90 Minutes [My free course if you need help setting up and customizing your SmugMug site]
Hi Ryan,
You should run the huey, and then process a few real-live shots. Then send me a gallery link, help@smugmug.com ATTN: Andy, and I'll review how you did
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Email sent.
www.photographyontheside.com [My blog about creating a part-time photography business]
Create A Gorgeous Photography Website with Smugmug in 90 Minutes [My free course if you need help setting up and customizing your SmugMug site]
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I read the thread with you and Oakley regarding image darkness. The part I am wondering about is this. On my MacBook, the images appear as I want them before I upload them to my website. When I view the website on a PC, the images are really dark. Does this Huey device calibrate my monitor so that it more closely resembles what 99% of the population sees on their monitors/PC's?
I need to be confident that what I am seeing and uploading is what others see on their monitors....
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Read this and holler back with questions - Short answer, yes, Huey will do just that
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