More Cname help requested

I was wondering if I had my domain settings right and I'm new to these settings. I've read all the threads I could find and think everythings right but its been 2 days and still no luck. Is it possible to get some1 to check out the settings and see if I need to call yahoo?
I have a Cname record source as and a destination as But in a thread it said you can also change the A record to smugmug's IP and when I try that too it deletes the Cname that I added.
And in this thread
he says he needed to enter a server IP for yahoo. I'm just CONFUSED!:bash
I have a Cname record source as and a destination as But in a thread it said you can also change the A record to smugmug's IP and when I try that too it deletes the Cname that I added.
And in this thread
he says he needed to enter a server IP for yahoo. I'm just CONFUSED!:bash
Your www is hitting us fine, but you've botched it with the A- record. Remove the A record stuff for now, and email us and we'll sort you out. We need your signon info for your domain provider, no worries we do it all the time
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