Use Printer Profiles Or not

My current Raw work flow is this.
1. Use Bibble to make Jpegs.
2. Use NoiseWare to remove noise.
3. Use PKsharpener to Sharpen images.
I then upload to Smugmug. So friends and family can buy, but I also use the same files at home to order prints for my clients. I get my client prints at costo, and I leave the auto correction ON.
Now my question and or problem is this.
So far, I have not had one complaint from my costco prints or the prints thru Smugmugs interface for EZprints, but that does not mean theres no issues.
I have been thinking about using the ICC profiles for my Local Costco printer, but if I do that what would happen to the prints when I upload them to smugmug. I do know that there is a profile on the EZprint site that I can download.
I'm wondering if its still easier for not use a profile since I'm getting prints done at several locations, but then I also get into am I wasting my time fixing my images in Bibble using raw if the printers are just going to auto correct my images?
I mean if I shoot raw, and correct for white balance and I briten up the image is that all for nothing by letting Costco auto correct my images?
Just as a reminder I have no compaints myself or from others about the print quilty, I just want to get a better workflow or at least understand and correct what I should do or not do.
1. Use Bibble to make Jpegs.
2. Use NoiseWare to remove noise.
3. Use PKsharpener to Sharpen images.
I then upload to Smugmug. So friends and family can buy, but I also use the same files at home to order prints for my clients. I get my client prints at costo, and I leave the auto correction ON.
Now my question and or problem is this.
So far, I have not had one complaint from my costco prints or the prints thru Smugmugs interface for EZprints, but that does not mean theres no issues.
I have been thinking about using the ICC profiles for my Local Costco printer, but if I do that what would happen to the prints when I upload them to smugmug. I do know that there is a profile on the EZprint site that I can download.
I'm wondering if its still easier for not use a profile since I'm getting prints done at several locations, but then I also get into am I wasting my time fixing my images in Bibble using raw if the printers are just going to auto correct my images?
I mean if I shoot raw, and correct for white balance and I briten up the image is that all for nothing by letting Costco auto correct my images?
Just as a reminder I have no compaints myself or from others about the print quilty, I just want to get a better workflow or at least understand and correct what I should do or not do.
Gary Harfield
Expose The Moment
Had a list of gear, now its to long, so lets say I have 2 bags and 15,000 worth of stuff.
Expose The Moment
Had a list of gear, now its to long, so lets say I have 2 bags and 15,000 worth of stuff.
I have NN as a stand-alone product but I also own Noiseware as a stand-alone product, with that said Noiseware is by far a better product.
I'm on other wedding photography forums and there was a big thread about Noise removal and it was found that people who had very noisily images used NN, they went back and used the trial of Noiseware and was like OMG what a better job this program did.
Expose The Moment
Had a list of gear, now its to long, so lets say I have 2 bags and 15,000 worth of stuff.