format mac disc?

Hey guys,
I'm a bit of a mac n00b, so forgive my question.
I have an external disc, currently formatted as NTFS. I'd like to format it as a mac disc, but can't seem to find how. I found the 'disc utility' but not sure what to do with that. I tried erasing the data and selecting a different structure (mac journaled, is that the correct one?) but it tells me it can't unmount the disc.
Any ideas? I don't care about the data on the disc, it can go.
I'm a bit of a mac n00b, so forgive my question.
I have an external disc, currently formatted as NTFS. I'd like to format it as a mac disc, but can't seem to find how. I found the 'disc utility' but not sure what to do with that. I tried erasing the data and selecting a different structure (mac journaled, is that the correct one?) but it tells me it can't unmount the disc.
Any ideas? I don't care about the data on the disc, it can go.
In that shot I selected the partition "Mad Hatter", not the disk "233.8 GB Maxtor 6L250M0". Then select the erase tab of the right pane, set the volume format to "Mac OS X Extended (Journaled)" and click the "Erase" button.
If you can't click Erase, then hit the Unmount button at the top and try again.
If it can't unmount, then make sure you don't have any files open from it, or commands running from it, etc. (if you aren't sure what that means, just reboot and do this process *first thing* as soon as you reboot.)