what mac mini monitor do u run?

getting ready to get a mac mini and what monitor is best im looking at a 21 inch samsung widescreen but it says that its mac compatable but it wont support 1920 by 1200 resolution although it says it does.i need a proven working monitor that will support this resolution on the mini.:dunno
jm photography
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
p.s. Welcome to dgrin, and congrats on the migration... be sure to take a spin through the unsolicited advice thread.
You need multiple computers? What? The 24" iMac is su-weet. And when Leopard comes out, just buy it. No biggee.
Or is there something we don't know?
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I usually hate to do this... :bs
The specs are quite clear, the 204BW does 1680 x 1050. Max.
:nah Pfft. Samsungs work just fine on Macs, I personally use 2 of them on my macs here at the house, and between my various co-workers there are at least a dozen different samsungs hooked to four or five different types of Macs.
Having seen 4 of them connected to macs (not minis however) I very highly doubt it would not do the 1920x1080 it's specifications call for, as long as your graphics card is capable of it, and you have the right cable.