Idiots question - creating a watermark

Maybe I am missing the basics of creating a watermark - but when I make one with a transparant background and then save it to jpeg - the background turns white and renders the watermark useless - Am I missing something here,but how do I create a watermark and keep the background transparant and be ablw to upload it to SM? I am using Paintshop Pro to try and create one.
In order for your watermark to be transparent, you will want to save it as a .png file. If you haven't seen it already, we have a tutorial for making a custom watermark:
See if that will help
Smug since 2006
SmugMug Help
I'm also using Paintshop Pro. Start off with a transparent background for your image. Then paste your layers you wish visible on top this. Use the Save As... option to store it as a PNG file, preserving the transparency. JPG format knows NOTHING of transparency and will always convert to the default background color of your palette (usually white).
You'll notice that not many of the upload tools accept PNG format... you'll want to use the manual upload tool for SmugMug. Since it is just one file batching these up isn't a big deal. You can upload up to 5 images through the manual upload interface.
Glad to see you trying this out. I'm sure you'll find it WONDERFUL!
Capturing and creating fashion, film, festivals around Detroit
Wordpress-ed Fuzzytek & smugmug