What number?

Okay....I am excited about this challenge and I had 2 ideas for numbers.
Would love to hear thoughts about these possible entries!!



Thanks for looking,
Would love to hear thoughts about these possible entries!!



Thanks for looking,
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
Art Gallery
I agree with Elaine. I think it is balanced well and the noise gives it an ol' timey look... #3 appears too "empty" for my taste. I like number 1...but 2 is my fave.
#1 is actually very sharp, but the softness was added so I can try the grain on this shot.
#2 Doesn't really jump out as *numbers* to me, but more as *old fashion*
#3 Do you think a tighter crop on the numbers would be better, or just forget this one?
I immediatley thought of *lucky numbers* inside fortune cookies when I saw the challenge theme.
Thanks again ya'll......I will post the newest edits.
I like the idea for #3, but that shot is just not doing it for me. There are some fortune cookies that have the lucky #'s on one side and the fortune on the other. If you can find some of those, then you could probably make something of it. Great ideas!
i was just thinking to take photo of similer phone !
My Gallery
I really like how it turned out.
Thanks again!!
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