Lightroom versus Bridge+ACR

For anyone that has been working with Lightroom and Bridge (CS3 version) on an Intel Mac, would you mind offering up your opinions on one versus the other? Personally, I like the Lightroom interface a lot and have gotten used to the controls. Bridge is OK too and the CS3 version runs much better now that it's a universal binary.
My final decision point is evaluating how drawn in I am by the sexiness of a new product compared to how useful it really is. All things being equal, I'd rather sink $199 into my 500mm savings plan.
What does the community think? Is Lightroom worth the extra spend? Is it a straight up replacement for Bridge+ACR for you?
My final decision point is evaluating how drawn in I am by the sexiness of a new product compared to how useful it really is. All things being equal, I'd rather sink $199 into my 500mm savings plan.

What does the community think? Is Lightroom worth the extra spend? Is it a straight up replacement for Bridge+ACR for you?
Are your purchasing Lightroom? 13 votes
9 votes
4 votes
However, I much prefer Lightroom, because it has DAM capabilities, much like Bridge, but it also includes about 90% of the editting features I use without needing to go into PS. It always infuriates me when I click on a pic in Bridge and it launches PS. The UI is just oddball in Bridge, and intuitive in Lightroom.
This is the big selling point for me too. It's nice to be able to work something up quick that doesn't really need PS.
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