For what it is worth, I like the one with both donkeys (mules?) in the shot. It has a certain appeal to me. I was thinking if it said "humble" to me and I thought if it had the title "Humble Creatures" then that would really work IMHO. Hope that helps...
For what it is worth, I like the one with both donkeys (mules?) in the shot. It has a certain appeal to me. I was thinking if it said "humble" to me and I thought if it had the title "Humble Creatures" then that would really work IMHO. Hope that helps...
It's worth a lot... I think if I have to put the word humble in the title then it really doesn't work... any way I got lots of ideas!! thanks for the feedback:D
i was thinking, actually ive been think about this particular challenge all day. in my mind ive come up with about a dozen angles on this theme. anyway - i think you're on to something. Actually i think your idea is brilliant !!! I think you can use a single donkey ( if that's what it is ) to convey humble and im gonna tell ya how ( free of charge, unless you end up winning the big $$ ). From my childhod "what character" was most humble. what character never saw his own greatness - who was genuinelly "humble"? Hint - think about the 100 acre-wood.
give up? ....................... Eyeore! from winnie-the-pooh. So a donkey is a brillant idea! As a matter of fact, i was going to shoot a donkey tomorrow or the next day myself. But ive changed my mind.
I leave it up to you to make this "humble" donkey a real winner. Good luck in the challenge.
I like the first one, but for some reason i'm not seeing humble. The second one on the other hand I really like. On the second look i'm not crazy about what you did with the background, maybe a blur would be better?
I like the shot of the two donkeys. Personally, I think someone who rides a donkey is choosing a humble mode of transportation (at least in some contexts). The donkey itself? Not so much. The donkeys I have known all have an attitude. Is that distinction important for the contest? I have no idea.
I like the shot of the two donkeys. Personally, I think someone who rides a donkey is choosing a humble mode of transportation (at least in some contexts). The donkey itself? Not so much. The donkeys I have known all have an attitude. Is that distinction important for the contest? I have no idea.
You are right about the attitude thing, donkes have gotten a realy bad rap... my donkeys are real sweet though and one of them is missing a tail... like eyeore... I made a prostetic tail for him last summer... but he didn't keep it on... I have thought of the eyeore concept as Windoze pointed out... I might try some more shots with the donkeys... I wish I had a Nun outfit to dress someone in for a donkey ride...:D
The backgrounds in both shots detract. In the first, it is busy, unattractive and blends in too much with the color of the donkeys. In the second the yellow green is unpleasant and raws my eye away from the sweet animal.
While the framing of the two donkey's in #1 is appealing, the soulful look in #2 grabs this viewer's interest more.
I love the tail!!
_______________________________________________ "A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
The backgrounds in both shots detract. In the first, it is busy, unattractive and blends in too much with the color of the donkeys. In the second the yellow green is unpleasant and raws my eye away from the sweet animal.
While the framing of the two donkey's in #1 is appealing, the soulful look in #2 grabs this viewer's interest more.
I love the tail!!
Thanks Gina,
That is the kind of input I like!!! I was wondering if someone would comment on this aspect of the images... Since it was an overcast afternoon I thought I would try a few PS filters to dress the image up (directional light and watercolor to be exact) sometimes it helps, sometimes not... thanks for the comment.
It's worth a lot... I think if I have to put the word humble in the title then it really doesn't work... any way I got lots of ideas!! thanks for the feedback:D
Sorry! I didn't mean that. It just made me think for a split second and then it dawned on me, "humble creatures" and I loved it. In other words, you wouldn't have to have any title. I know that the colors are all very much the same in the first photo, but for me, that is the appeal - it draws your eye to the dark markings on their backs, which if you look at from a distance, almost looks like a face. It's one of those shots that if you saw on a wall, from across the room, you would think, "what the heck is that" and as you got closer, you would realize and think, "that's really cool". We never know what the judges are going to think/feel, so this is just my opinion - which doesn't count I suppose what I am trying to say is... I really like the first one and if you really like it too, then you should enter it. How do you feel about each shot?
Sorry! I didn't mean that. It just made me think for a split second and then it dawned on me, "humble creatures" and I loved it. In other words, you wouldn't have to have any title. I know that the colors are all very much the same in the first photo, but for me, that is the appeal - it draws your eye to the dark markings on their backs, which if you look at from a distance, almost looks like a face. It's one of those shots that if you saw on a wall, from across the room, you would think, "what the heck is that" and as you got closer, you would realize and think, "that's really cool". We never know what the judges are going to think/feel, so this is just my opinion - which doesn't count I suppose what I am trying to say is... I really like the first one and if you really like it too, then you should enter it. How do you feel about each shot?
I tend to be my own worst critic... that's why I try to get a little feed back here... with that said, I like them both ok, the first one has pretty good balance, the second one, the face of a donkey is very cute and expresive... any way I think I will try some more shoots... I wish they were trained well enough to sit on their hind quarters and look back over their shoulders... that is my vission, if you can picture it...:D
I tend to be my own worst critic... that's why I try to get a little feed back here... with that said, I like them both ok, the first one has pretty good balance, the second one, the face of a donkey is very cute and expresive... any way I think I will try some more shoots... I wish they were trained well enough to sit on their hind quarters and look back over their shoulders... that is my vission, if you can picture it...:D
Good luck with the new shots. I'm excited to see what you come up with... but I still like the first one.:D
I really love the first shot....I have to agree I don't immediately think "humble", but with the title it definitely works for me. Beautiful animals...good luck training your donkey to look over it's never know, you might luck out!!!
I think it would be cool if you hooked him up to a plow, wagon, or made one of him staring humbly out of a stable door in a barn.
But what do I know, I'm no pro....
Nikon D300 l Nikon SB-600 l Nikon MC-30 Remote l Nikon AF-S 24-85mm 1:3.5-4.5G IF-ED l Nikon 50mm f/1.8 AF-D lSigma 10-20mm F4-5.6 EX DC HSMlQuantaray Pro U-100 backpack by Naneu Pro l Quantaray QSX 9500 Tripod by Sunpak Canon AE-1 ProgramlFD 28mm 1:2.8lFD 50mm 1:1.8lSunpak Auto 821 Dedicated
I wish they were trained well enough to sit on their hind quarters and look back over their shoulders... that is my vission, if you can picture it...:D
... with the late afternoon sun light falling on half of their faces and their soleful eyes connecting with the viewer with the promise of warmth, adoration, passion .... oops, I think I got carried away. But yes, I can imagine it.
_______________________________________________ "A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
It's worth a lot... I think if I have to put the word humble in the title then it really doesn't work... any way I got lots of ideas!! thanks for the feedback:D
give up? ....................... Eyeore! from winnie-the-pooh. So a donkey is a brillant idea! As a matter of fact, i was going to shoot a donkey tomorrow or the next day myself. But ive changed my mind.
I leave it up to you to make this "humble" donkey a real winner. Good luck in the challenge.
troy The Photo Section
You are right about the attitude thing, donkes have gotten a realy bad rap... my donkeys are real sweet though and one of them is missing a tail... like eyeore... I made a prostetic tail for him last summer... but he didn't keep it on... I have thought of the eyeore concept as Windoze pointed out... I might try some more shots with the donkeys... I wish I had a Nun outfit to dress someone in for a donkey ride...:D
The below shot was taken last summer...
The backgrounds in both shots detract. In the first, it is busy, unattractive and blends in too much with the color of the donkeys. In the second the yellow green is unpleasant and raws my eye away from the sweet animal.
While the framing of the two donkey's in #1 is appealing, the soulful look in #2 grabs this viewer's interest more.
I love the tail!!
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Thanks Gina,
That is the kind of input I like!!! I was wondering if someone would comment on this aspect of the images... Since it was an overcast afternoon I thought I would try a few PS filters to dress the image up (directional light and watercolor to be exact) sometimes it helps, sometimes not... thanks for the comment.
Sorry! I didn't mean that. It just made me think for a split second and then it dawned on me, "humble creatures" and I loved it. In other words, you wouldn't have to have any title. I know that the colors are all very much the same in the first photo, but for me, that is the appeal - it draws your eye to the dark markings on their backs, which if you look at from a distance, almost looks like a face. It's one of those shots that if you saw on a wall, from across the room, you would think, "what the heck is that" and as you got closer, you would realize and think, "that's really cool". We never know what the judges are going to think/feel, so this is just my opinion - which doesn't count
I tend to be my own worst critic... that's why I try to get a little feed back here... with that said, I like them both ok, the first one has pretty good balance, the second one, the face of a donkey is very cute and expresive... any way I think I will try some more shoots... I wish they were trained well enough to sit on their hind quarters and look back over their shoulders... that is my vission, if you can picture it...:D
Good luck with the new shots. I'm excited to see what you come up with... but I still like the first one.:D
But what do I know, I'm no pro....
Canon AE-1 Program l FD 28mm 1:2.8 l FD 50mm 1:1.8 l Sunpak Auto 821 Dedicated
... with the late afternoon sun light falling on half of their faces and their soleful eyes connecting with the viewer with the promise of warmth, adoration, passion .... oops, I think I got carried away. But yes, I can imagine it.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus