Tax time!
:help When I order Photo from my Pro account I alway print out the order summary. (For my reciept.) Today, I realized that I don't have a date on the order summaries.
Is it possible to get a print out of all of my orders from 2006?
I also need a reciept for my Smug Mug acct.
I sent an email to but haven't had a response.
Is it possible to get a print out of all of my orders from 2006?
I also need a reciept for my Smug Mug acct.
I sent an email to but haven't had a response.
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Did you use a different email address?
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We have sent you your receipt. If we can be of further assitance, please don't hesitate to contact us
I don't know what is going on, perhaps my email is lost in cyber space. (That some times happens to my voice mails too!)
I'm not talking about what others have ordered from my Smug Mug acct. I am talking about what I have ordered from Smug Mug. Can I really find that in the control panel???
Thanks Steve!
Hi Rene,
Your own orders, if placed while you were logged into your account, will not appear in your pro sales detail. Reason being, while logged in, you pay default prices on your own photos.
Smug since 2006
SmugMug Help
Yeah, I figured that out. Does Smug Mug happen to have a record of what I purchased in 2006? - I don't have access to my Credit card statements. (And the reciepts that I printed do not include the date. ) I need to be able to show these orders as expenses.
I am crossing my fingers.
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I have the order emails printed out. The problem is that there is no date on them. Perhaps we need to consider that a feature that needs to be addressed. I was being very careful to print an file them. But, dang no date!
Thanks for your patience.
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