Last Photographer Standing #4 (Artificial or Organic) - Entry thread

DoctorItDoctorIt Administrators Posts: 11,952 moderator
edited April 30, 2007 in The Dgrin Challenges
Last Photographer Standing Contest Qualifying Round #4

Welcome to Contest #4, a qualifying round. This round is open to any dgrin member! It will run from Monday, April 16th 00:01 (12:01am), NYC time (GMT -5) to Monday, April 30th 00:01 (12:01am), NYC time (GMT -5)

The topic ready for your interpretation: Artificial or Organic.

Shay says:
Good job on coming up with unique titles, I would like to encourage you to continue to creatively title your photo without using this rounds themes "Artificial" or "Organic" anywhere in your title.

Continue to look up the themes in a dictionary to see if any of the definitions spark an inspiration. Play with the ideas that come to you, weigh them against each other and see if one excites you more than the others. But do be mindful of straying too far away from the theme.

If you know you may be pushing the definition's meaning, step back and really take a good look at your photo from the perspective of someone seeing it for the first time, will they see the connection to the theme, can they see the connection?
This thread, is the one into which you post your entry. Remember, 1 entry per person, and the photo must be fresh, taken during this contest period. Entries must have exif embedded or appended. Click here and here for help. Photos entered without proper exif showing a clear shot date will be disqualified.

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