Help with choosing a Mac?
Hey guys,
I just wanted to know what you pros use for photo editing; mac wise :P.
I recently had a shitty run-in today with my pc, where I almost lost all my back up photos, because windows $@!#ed up bigtime on a write to my external hard drive!!!!!!!!! (The only reason they were saved, is because the Hdd was in raid 1 configuration :P). So I've decided it's time to switch
I was looking at the 2.16 ghz (core duo) iMacs, but if I should go for a higher speed processor or better model, please let me know :P..
I'll most likely be buying Photoshop 7 or CS3 when I get my mac, and I'll use it along with various programs like dashboard and safari (maybe simultaneously). I also need lots of processing power (I think) for stitching together panoramas, with 50+ pictures (Just a few :P).
Any help would be greatly apprecated
I just wanted to know what you pros use for photo editing; mac wise :P.
I recently had a shitty run-in today with my pc, where I almost lost all my back up photos, because windows $@!#ed up bigtime on a write to my external hard drive!!!!!!!!! (The only reason they were saved, is because the Hdd was in raid 1 configuration :P). So I've decided it's time to switch

I was looking at the 2.16 ghz (core duo) iMacs, but if I should go for a higher speed processor or better model, please let me know :P..
I'll most likely be buying Photoshop 7 or CS3 when I get my mac, and I'll use it along with various programs like dashboard and safari (maybe simultaneously). I also need lots of processing power (I think) for stitching together panoramas, with 50+ pictures (Just a few :P).
Any help would be greatly apprecated

"The single most important component of a camera is the twelve inches behind it."
- Ansel Adams.
- Ansel Adams.
I also know a video editor who has one at home, and cuts video on Final Cut Pro with an iMac, and loves it. Video's a lot more resource intensive than photography.
The iMac line is expected to be revamped, possibly before the end of the year. (Scroll down to find the iMac line) Welcome to the Apple dilemma, wondering whether you should buy not or wait.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
""Striking New Industrial Design"?" Now I'm gonna have to wait a little bit longer lol
P.S. Sid, do you by chance know what specs that pro video editor's mac has?
- Ansel Adams.
I think you meant month?
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A lot of people are using the MacBook Pro, but I don't like that as my desktop solution. It certainly has the guts for the job, but the ergonomics are lacking.
Unless you are going to spring for a Mac Pro tower, the iMac is your only remaining choice. The 24" model has the best choice of viedo cards and they all have the guts for the job. Stay with 2GHz or faster and definitely upgrade the RAM to 2GB or more. Tiger needs the memory. IMHO, you don't need to overthink this because there is not much choice. Go with a mid- to high-end spec'ed iMac and you'll be plenty happy.
My photos
"The future is an illusion, but a damned handy one." - David Allen
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
I was just thinking that the end of the year isn't so close...
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- Ansel Adams.
- Ansel Adams.
Well, that's really a personal choice about money/utility.
I wouldn't get less than a 20" screen, and I would definitely get the 24". But if you're tight with money, get the 17". I mean, really, what can we say? They're all pretty good. You spend more, you get more. Pony up and make a decision!
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Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
For heavy photo editing, the amount of RAM will almost matter more than the CPU. If she's into Photoshop, then a Mac with a couple GB of RAM and a fast second scratch disk (internal or external) should outrun the next more expensive Mac model equipped with only stock RAM and HD.
He has a 24" iMac with the 2.0ghz processor and just 1GB of memory. His software is Final Cut HD.
In his words, "it flies." And this is a guy who cuts on a loaded G5 with Final Cut Pro for his day job, so he has a fair basis for making a judgment.
He says he just bought CS3 and plans to add 1GB of memory.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
He'll need it for the FCP upgrade....
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Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Hmmm. It looks like a beautiful upgrade. Have you seen it?
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I think cost is a big reason why he's not talking about an upgrade. Plus, I think he believes he doesn't need it.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Its alright Sid
- Ansel Adams.
- Ansel Adams.
I spent some time a few months researching the 'optimal' (oh, soooo subjective) config for CS2/CS3 and RAM and separate scratch disk were the biggies, even per Adobe. But the iMacs don't seem friendly on adding another disk, except external. Maybe I'm PC brainwashed, but an external scratch disk would almost seem pointless on a PC. I want fast, but think the Mac Pro is overkill (& expensive).
This whole scratch disk thing is keeping me from buying the 24" iMac (or MacBook Pro). Does anyone use an external scratch on the iMac??
-Fleetwood Mac
I don't, but I would think that Firewire would be plenty fast. And on the 24" you get FW 800.
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Keep an eye out for the refurbs, I have bought several refurbs ... all indistinguishable from new. The Apple Store usually updates in the mornings, but not necessarily every morning. Patience can be rewarded.
I have seen the 2.0 GHz Mac Pro for $1899, the 24" iMac for $1699, and my current machine the 20" iMac for $1299.
Occasionally the refurbs come with 'silent upgrades'. YMMV. Mine came with a 500 GB HD, one 1 GB RAM stick (not 2 - 512's), and the 256 MB video card.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Apple does one kind of sneaky thing. They publish the original price of the unit and the price of the refurb, often ignoring the fact a newer model has replaced at the same cost, with fast processor/better features. Just pay attention.
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I have superpowers.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Took you long enough!
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Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam