# 5 re-take...

...as suggested by Liquid Air and Photogmomma I went back to re-take my picture and found this horse which had just come over the ridge, stopped and posed for me! Here is the horse and the windmill/wagon re-take.....did I enter the best one? How about the title?????
Your opinions are welcomed!! :bow

:scratch :bow :scratch :bow
Your opinions are welcomed!! :bow

:scratch :bow :scratch :bow
I like the horsie and the sepia windmill. Horsie is bigger and hence more powerfull. Maybe even tighter crop on it?
The wagon needs better separation from the background, at least on this screen. It may just be a gamma issue, but I think the mountains need to be at least half a stop brighter for the wagon to pop. It is possible you can get that separation with curves in Photoshop if you draw them carefully. If not, it may be a masking job. I also find the balance to be a bit off in this shot. The wagon should either be a featured element or it should be cropped out. As a featured element I think it is too close to the edge of the frame. Particularly for a contest like this where the final submission is only 800 pixels, you have the freedom to shoot wide and crop later.
As for the horse, I think you try popping the contrast in the sky. I like the color of the sky, but I don't think it holds enough interest as is to justify the amount of real estate it gets. I also find the position of the horse in the frame to be kind of "neither here nor there." I think it is worth playing with crops to see if you can find one where the horse sits a bit more comfortably in the frame. A am afraid that is a bit vague, but it is the best I have to describe what I see.
Thanks, Nik....will try cropping and see what I get.
I think the horse suffers a little bit because there's no separation in the back legs, it just looks a bit odd to me. Very pretty, though.
Thanks for the suggestions....back to the CS3 drawing board....to see if I can make these suggestions work.....
That is actually the the color of the sky last night!! Will try to make it 'pop' a little more.
Thanks, Chris.....the horse was obviously moving and that is the only pic I was able to capture.
Liquid Air, Nik.....bigger (cropped), brighter.....better????????
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I dunno I kinda like that part about it. If I was to do any change, I'd clone out that piece of cloud that's next to the ground. Make it a bit cleaner.
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
I am now working on replacing the picture.....some troubles but I am sure since I am new at this it is just operator error
Thanks again!!!
Maybe the back legs work together???
After all, we humans lack a lock on all ailments...
Seriously, the pop helped as did the crop. Now the shot, which is clean and crisp, has more chutzpah!
So did the enchanted and emphasized light...
Way to go
[FONT="]As You Think, So Shall You BE... Rumi, 13th Century Persian Poet
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Joe.....from your lips to the judges ears!!!
That's a fabulous windmill. If I lived near it, I be shooting it all the time.
"Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons."
----Ruth Ann Schubacker