LPS#5: change of heart

As I was observing more great entries pouring into LPS#5 submission funnel, I was starting to get a strong feeling that my current entry is not even remotely close to be considered a contender. :rolleyes
So I have decided to try a couple more (also nocturnal) ideas...
Moonlight Breeze:

Spanish Guitar:

(in case you have a hard time with the last caption, is a title of a song that goes like: "I wish that I was in your arms like that spanish guitar"...)
Decisions, decisions...:scratch
So I have decided to try a couple more (also nocturnal) ideas...
Moonlight Breeze:

Spanish Guitar:

(in case you have a hard time with the last caption, is a title of a song that goes like: "I wish that I was in your arms like that spanish guitar"...)
Decisions, decisions...:scratch
"May the f/stop be with you!"
much more than your fenced moon.
out of these two the second is harder to grasp anything from...
I actually really, really like the second. Very abstract but great detail to force to look again and again. Excellent title as well.
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You know that I love your original entry (although I much prefer it in its first interation before you "improved" it), but these two are great.
Both of these new efforts are fabulous photographs, but I would go with Spanish Guitar. Yes it is harder to grasp, but it is so evocative - it pulls the viewer in. Plus it seems less contrived than #1 (or for that matter, your original entry). It also feels like a photo you might take because it is beautiful and not just for a challenge.
That said, #1 of the new batch is a good example of what might make it with the judges even though it illustrates both themes. I love the blue cast and the composition. Even so, I would ditch the moon. Much as I love your moon shots, for me it is too unsubtle in this picture.
Just my $.02 worth. Good luck, btw. It must be very exciting thinking about what you are going to come up with in the next few weeks for the quarter finals.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Its now confirmed [out of his own mouth]
Nik's a poet!
What I like about the Spanish Guitar is casting a theme for LPS in another series of themes which swirl around in your head... a song title which emotionally stresses the deepest feelings, coupled with a scene which those feelings evoke.
In writers lingo, "Nik, the MUSE is with YOU"!
Hats off to you, Nik!!!
[FONT="]As You Think, So Shall You BE... Rumi, 13th Century Persian Poet
Award-Winning Photography, Workshop Instructor, Storyteller, Writer
[/FONT][FONT="]Blog: [/FONT][FONT="]Pathways of Light[/FONT]
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[/FONT][FONT="]Galleries, Bisti Art
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
Moonlight breezes is a nice pic ( I think you nailed the translucence ) & the blue is a beautiful tone. I think it may be a bit too complicated. Although the tie is a nice rounded shape going from the robe to her hand, it might be better without it.
Spanish Guitar is wonderful.
I know what you mean, Now I'm thinkiing mine isn't up to snuff:D
I am not really a potrait and silhouette person, infact I don't know which of my own entry is better
But one thing I am sure of, these two are better than the moon
Site :http://www.tanveer.in
Blog :http://tsk1979.livejournal.com
I'd vote for the second one, too. It has an elegant simplicity which the first one doesn't. I will also admit that the oversize moon is not to my taste, either.
I like both of these better than your original post, Nik. I like the blue, but I agree with Jill that it may be too complicated with the moon. If you went with this one, I would ditch the moon. It's very lovely without it. Both work....it's a toss up!
"Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons."
----Ruth Ann Schubacker
Don't tell anyone, but I like it more, too
Well, in all honesty, that's my biggest concern that it is a bit too abstract.
But I'm glad to hear it has that "retention" you've mentioned...
Thanks for looking and commenting!
Thanks! At least I can say I'm trying:-)
I hear ya... And yes, I agree, it's much simpler. It's also not a dual one, like the first one is. However, this particular idea has been done sooooo many times in the magazine spreads that I can't help but having a bit of feeling of being "less original".
Really? Actually, I added it specifically because by itself the shot was kinda missing it. I spent quite some time trying different treatments, crops and arrangements. With the moon I don't even really need a title. Without it, title becomes too much of importance, which is not necessarily a good thing. This is also a reason why I'm so hesitant about #2: without the title it loses like 30% of an impact (for me at least)
Speaking further of a ditching the moon... How would you like this other version of the same shot?
Scent of a woman
Thanks again!
Yeah, I have a couple of ideas for the May, but nothing looks like rock solid thus far (not that I'm not gonna try them out anyway, you know me:-)
Thanks! I wish it was my song (I have a few, but none of them is that good)
Now that you've mentioned it - I have three
Thanks, man, appreciate it!
Believe it or not I tried it (I took about 130+ shots in that session), just didn't work out well
Thank you for the feedback!
Yes, #1 may be a bit too busy, but I kinda like it the way it "flows and glows"...
As to the #2: as I have already mentioned in my reply to Virginia, the heavy title dependency is the reason that keeps me from making it #1...
It's one of my favorite Tony Braxton's songs. Sincerely recommended!
As to your entry - I did tell you which one I liked the most.
Thanks! :saurora
I'm still thinking
PS - even though I haven't been participating in the challenge, I always look forwards to your multiple attempts in each one and seeing the different ways you interpret the theme.
check out my (sports) pics: ColleenBonney.smugmug.com
*Thanks to Boolsacho for the avatar photo (from the dgrin portrait project)
Thank you for the detailed comment!
It's a toss. I like them both (in fact, they both made my Best 2007 list). Luckily, I still have time to decide.
As to the multiple ideas: well, that's why I like the LPS and it's built-in duality. It makes me think harder, and not just for an hour or a day.
You can see my wheels turning in different directions at my dedicated challenges gallery...
Next time don't hold it back, I can use all rah rah I can get
Something I'm learning as we head toward the end of the 5th round is that the judges sometimes want a photo that sucks them in and makes them think rather than being an in-your-face depiction of the theme. For example, my feedback on the last round was "26 - eoren1 - Big Brother is Watching: Doesn't say artificial to me, I think because I expect a video wall to be artificial. The photo look like it would better illustrate a lack of freedom or privacy."
To that end, I think that your second photo is much better suited for this round. It makes you stop and stare for a minute til you 'get' what it is and then you stay there for a few more minutes eating up the few details that your eye is given to chew on.
For what it's worth, I'll put it in my top-10 when I answer IndieGirls thread
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Thanks a lot, I do appreciate your feedback!
I keep thinking!
And shooting (this one fresh from the stroll-with-the-wifie):-)
Spanish Guitar, Doesnt do much for me, not enough definition.
Scent Of A Woman: Great, but I like Midnight Breeze much better.
The last shot doesnt do for much for me.
BTW, I only posted the last one more like a joke
I hope it's obvious I'm not gonna trade either of the two for it...