Over Joyed, Narrow Me Down

Please help me choose! C/C welcome.


Having a Ball


Having a Ball

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LPS 7: Pick one, please! 24 votes
#1: Sisters
15 votes
#2: Pinwheel
3 votes
#3: Having a Ball
1 vote
Keep Shooting
5 votes
#1 I'd consider tightening the crop on that work to draw the eye in a bit; love that shot, got my vote.
But, I shoot mostly sports, we just shoot tight and crop tighter!
the other 2 are nice, but not really contenders in my eyes
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
For this one, I used the b/w converstion tool, then played with the highlights and shadows until I thought they looked good.
When I moved from film to digital SLR, I lost a lot in my technical skills and feel as if I'm starting over on a lot of levels. I am not scared of Photoshop, but it seems like such a freaking task to learn.
I'd like to move from where I am to a more technically proficent place.
There are quite a few movies showing you basic and advanced Photoshop techniques. Great way to learn PS. I can't remember any of their names but I'm sure if you just google it, you will find some. Any one else wanna jump in with some names?
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
BTW, there are some really good PS tutorials right here in Dgrin.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
I used picasa before I got elements, and it was not that hard of a transition... I used a lot of the auto features on elements while I figured out how everything worked... I love that first photo, it is so beautiful....
I feel that the photo expresses a sweet and innocent intimacy between sisters, that many will wish they had a sister, ....My only thing is that I wish I could see a bit more of the eye of the sister on the left, but then one could think that extends the mystery of it all.
I love the soft tendrils vs the straight hair, then I wonder what they are cooking up, that makes them have to talk so closely in such a "hush "hush" manner...
I can't really say what emotion it sparked, but I was smiling, as I looked at the photo, and it brought back many good memories!!
I really like it....
Good Luck in whichever you choose.
Hey Indie! Here's to coming out of the "vote-closet!"
I voted "keep shooting" simply because I don't think any of the photos you put up follow either side of the theme. #1, the best photo of them all, brings forth from me more of a touching view of sisterly love. I have two daughters, so I related immediately. I also think that the B&W conversion of that one even further masks whatever joy that it started with. But that's just me. There are six judges on this who will each have their own viewpoint and who will neither require color for joy nor B&W for sorrow.
But let me be clear.. #1 smacked me in the face as great when I saw it, and the advice on it that you've gotten already has helped improve it!
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and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this shot. Did I say "LOVE"? Seriously, it's amazing and has so much emotion. But the emotion that comes across is "LOVE" not, "JOY" to me. It's affection, caring, sweet sisterly love, but not joy. That's the only reason I say that....
(As a note, I typed this up several hours ago! And I never sent it... Ugh! Sorry... Silly kids getting in my way.
Thanks for the PS encouragement folks!
Yes, this was my feeling, too. I wish I could have gotten more of her hair. She was being quite wild, though. Thanks for the feedback.