Help! I heard you guys were brutally honest!
I'd like some feedback on my photos... I'll take anything you've got! I'd like to know what would make these pix better, and ultimately, which one I should enter in the Joy/Sorrow contest.
I'm a beginner photographer that - knowing the next contest was "sorrow" - was smart enough to bring my camera to my son's well baby appointment because I knew he'd be getting shots! How horrible is THAT? Please - no "bad mommy" comments! :nono I already feel sheepish enough!:rolleyes
Thanks in advance for your feedback!:bow

I'm a beginner photographer that - knowing the next contest was "sorrow" - was smart enough to bring my camera to my son's well baby appointment because I knew he'd be getting shots! How horrible is THAT? Please - no "bad mommy" comments! :nono I already feel sheepish enough!:rolleyes
Thanks in advance for your feedback!:bow

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I like the first one best, it does a nice job of showing the environment. I would crop the left to the wire on the instrument holder and crop off half the empty space on the right. I think it's also important to use the entire 800 pixels allowed on the long dimension of your entry.
Maybe you could recover some highlights? The Photo Section
I like the emotion expressed in #2, but I like the length/crop of #1 also it gives the viewer more visual to the tell.
I would say try b/w, the tone here almosts has hues of purplish/red (but then I'm on my crappy monitor in my office...grrrr)
Good luck in whichever you choose...
The lollipop in #3 means so much more because we saw #1 & #2. We also have a better idea of what is going on in #2 & #3 because we've seen the medical equipment on the wall in #1. We might be able to guess in #2 & #3 that these are taking place in a doctor's office, but having #1 certainly helped. If I had to pick one - I'd say #1.
(BTW kudos for taking your camera, hope he feels better)