Speed of galleries

tommykjensentommykjensen Registered Users Posts: 11 Big grins
edited May 6, 2011 in SmugMug Support
I have tested Smugmug for a few days now and am not really happy with the speed. The main reason I am considering to use Smugmug is to loose some of the admin work I need to do to setup a new gallery on my private website. It takes little longer than it does here on Smugmug.

But when comparing speed Smugmug loose :-(

I realize that Smugmug has thousands of users acessing at the same time but for a paid service I do expect a faster response.

Here is a few timings I have done:
C:\batchfiles>wget [url]http://tommykjensen.smugmug.com/photos/167213943-M.jpg[/url]
--11:23:09--  [url]http://tommykjensen.smugmug.com:80/photos/167213943-M.jpg[/url]
           => `167213943-M.jpg.2'
Connecting to tommykjensen.smugmug.com:80... connected!
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 148,367 [image/jpeg]

    0K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 34%]
   50K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 69%]
  100K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... ....       [100%]

11:23:13 (48.30 KB/s) - `167213943-M.jpg.2' saved [148367/148367]

4 seconds to download a small photo and thats even without the overhead of the other thumbnails etc.

Now compare this to download from my private site (a slightly larger file actually)
C:\batchfiles>wget [url]http://photo.klein-jensen.dk/photo.php?n=050818zoo_hawkandowl1crop.jpg[/url]
--11:23:03--  [url]http://photo.klein-jensen.dk:80/photo.php?n=050818zoo_hawkandowl1crop.jpg[/url]
           => `photo.php@n=050818zoo_hawkandowl1crop.jpg.2'
Connecting to photo.klein-jensen.dk:80... connected!
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [image/jpeg]

    0K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........
   50K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........
  100K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........
  150K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... ....

11:23:04 (194.50 KB/s) - `photo.php@n=050818zoo_hawkandowl1crop.jpg.2' saved [199163]

And the 2 issues I have described here: http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=65000 are also points that count against Smugmug :-(

I can live with the 2 issues with keywords and portrait size but I don't want to pay $150 a year and get slower response times in my gallery.

So is the speed issue a temporary issue or is this what can be expected?
Best Regards Tommy


  • I SimoniusI Simonius Registered Users Posts: 1,034 Major grins
    edited July 1, 2007
    This is a recurring theme and one I'm keen to see the responses tomwink.gif
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited July 1, 2007
    So is the speed issue a temporary issue or is this what can be expected?
    In General, speed rocks for most everyone at SmugMug. Speed Matters. Can you have a read there, it's really good stuff.

    Now, back to you - we find that these speed issues are caused by lots of different things. Most of them, it's local and temporary. Let's dig:

    1) can you run a speed test: http://smugmug.speedtest.net/

    2) let's go further and see the quality of your connection, okay? Run a traceroute for us?


    I'd love to see the results of these, and then talk more.

  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited July 1, 2007
    Simon King wrote:
    This is a recurring theme

    For a very few number of folks. http://blogs.smugmug.com/don/2007/05/15/speed-matters/
  • I SimoniusI Simonius Registered Users Posts: 1,034 Major grins
    edited July 1, 2007
    Andy wrote:

    fair pointmwink.gif - It has certainly been better for me recently

    I just rana spedtest and my connection to the states is about half the speed it should be :-(
  • SheafSheaf Registered Users, SmugMug Product Team Posts: 775 SmugMug Employee
    edited July 1, 2007

    I can live with the 2 issues with keywords and portrait size but I don't want to pay $150 a year and get slower response times in my gallery.

    So is the speed issue a temporary issue or is this what can be expected?


    Remember, you're in Denmark and comparing the speed of a site in the US to a site in Denmark. SmugMug generally *is* quite fast, but we won't be able to be as fast in Denmark unless we also had servers in Denmark. It's 18 hops from our servers to you.

    Geography is the problem here, not our "speed" as it is generally understood. The end result is the same though, unfortunately.
    SmugMug Product Manager
  • tommykjensentommykjensen Registered Users Posts: 11 Big grins
    edited July 1, 2007
    Andy wrote:
    In General, speed rocks for most everyone at SmugMug. Speed Matters. Can you have a read there, it's really good stuff.

    Now, back to you - we find that these speed issues are caused by lots of different things. Most of them, it's local and temporary. Let's dig:

    1) can you run a speed test: http://smugmug.speedtest.net/

    2) let's go further and see the quality of your connection, okay? Run a traceroute for us?


    I'd love to see the results of these, and then talk more.


    1: 148259579.png

    Tracing route to hera.smugmug.com []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:
      1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms
      2    15 ms    14 ms    15 ms  loop0.mxc1-frix.ip.cybercity.dk []
      3    15 ms    14 ms    14 ms  ge-0-1-1-10.mcr1-soex.ip.cybercity.dk []
      4    15 ms    14 ms    14 ms  ge-0-0-0.br1-soex.ip.cybercity.dk []
      5    15 ms    14 ms    14 ms  te1-3.ar3.CPH1.gblx.net []
      6   189 ms   198 ms   197 ms  SMUGMUG.gigabitethernet3-35.ar2.SJC2.gblx.net []
      7   189 ms   189 ms   189 ms  hera.smugmug.com []
    Best Regards Tommy
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited July 2, 2007
    1: 148259579.png

    Tracing route to hera.smugmug.com []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:
      1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms
      2    15 ms    14 ms    15 ms  loop0.mxc1-frix.ip.cybercity.dk []
      3    15 ms    14 ms    14 ms  ge-0-1-1-10.mcr1-soex.ip.cybercity.dk []
      4    15 ms    14 ms    14 ms  ge-0-0-0.br1-soex.ip.cybercity.dk []
      5    15 ms    14 ms    14 ms  te1-3.ar3.CPH1.gblx.net []
      6   189 ms   198 ms   197 ms  SMUGMUG.gigabitethernet3-35.ar2.SJC2.gblx.net []
      7   189 ms   189 ms   189 ms  hera.smugmug.com []
    Can you give us another traceroute from today? How are you finding the speed right now?
  • tommykjensentommykjensen Registered Users Posts: 11 Big grins
    edited July 2, 2007
    No change in speed.

    New tracert:
    Tracing route to smugmug.com []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:
      1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms
      2    15 ms    14 ms    14 ms  loop0.mxc1-frix.ip.cybercity.dk []
      3    14 ms    15 ms    15 ms  ge-0-1-1-10.mcr1-soex.ip.cybercity.dk []
      4    15 ms    14 ms    14 ms  ge-0-0-0.br1-soex.ip.cybercity.dk []
      5   125 ms   238 ms   228 ms  te1-3.ar3.CPH1.gblx.net []
      6   201 ms   198 ms   196 ms  SMUGMUG.gigabitethernet3-35.ar2.SJC2.gblx.net []
      7   190 ms   189 ms   190 ms  hera.smugmug.com []
    Best Regards Tommy
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited July 2, 2007
    No change in speed.

    New tracert:
    Tracing route to smugmug.com []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:
      1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms
      2    15 ms    14 ms    14 ms  loop0.mxc1-frix.ip.cybercity.dk []
      3    14 ms    15 ms    15 ms  ge-0-1-1-10.mcr1-soex.ip.cybercity.dk []
      4    15 ms    14 ms    14 ms  ge-0-0-0.br1-soex.ip.cybercity.dk []
      5   125 ms   238 ms   228 ms  te1-3.ar3.CPH1.gblx.net []
      6   201 ms   198 ms   196 ms  SMUGMUG.gigabitethernet3-35.ar2.SJC2.gblx.net []
      7   190 ms   189 ms   190 ms  hera.smugmug.com []
    I've asked for some more help, stay tuned thx.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited July 2, 2007
    No change in speed.

    I'm sorry that you are experiencing speed issues. Our Network engineers tell me that it's the speed of the connection between you and us. I've double checked this - can you check with your ISP and see if they have any recommendations?

    Most overseas customers have much faster reported times than you are reporting - I'm so sorry about this!
  • tommykjensentommykjensen Registered Users Posts: 11 Big grins
    edited July 4, 2007
    Thanks for checking.
    Best Regards Tommy
  • tommykjensentommykjensen Registered Users Posts: 11 Big grins
    edited May 6, 2011
    Andy wrote: »
    I'm sorry that you are experiencing speed issues. Our Network engineers tell me that it's the speed of the connection between you and us. I've double checked this - can you check with your ISP and see if they have any recommendations?

    Most overseas customers have much faster reported times than you are reporting - I'm so sorry about this!

    I hope I am not stepping over anybody's toes by bumping this old thread of mine ;-)

    But I signed up for the Pro account last week and my speed is ligthyears faster than 4 years ago when I first tested Smugmug.
    C:\batchfiles>wget http://photos.klein-jensen.dk/Animals/dyrehaven/i-nnQT9Nd/6/XL/20110428_img_5817-XL.jpg
    --20:56:48--  http://photos.klein-jensen.dk:80/Animals/dyrehaven/i-nnQT9Nd/6/XL/20110428_img_5817-XL.jpg
               => `20110428_img_5817-XL.jpg'
    Connecting to photos.klein-jensen.dk:80... connected!
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 259,847 [image/jpeg]
        0K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 19%]
       50K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 39%]
      100K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 59%]
      150K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 78%]
      200K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 98%]
      250K -> ...                                                    [100%]
    20:56:48 (247.81 MB/s) - `20110428_img_5817-XL.jpg' saved [259847/259847]
    Best Regards Tommy
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited May 6, 2011
    I hope I am not stepping over anybody's toes by bumping this old thread of mine ;-)

    But I signed up for the Pro account last week and my speed is ligthyears faster than 4 years ago when I first tested Smugmug.
    C:\batchfiles>wget http://photos.klein-jensen.dk/Animals/dyrehaven/i-nnQT9Nd/6/XL/20110428_img_5817-XL.jpg
    --20:56:48--  http://photos.klein-jensen.dk:80/Animals/dyrehaven/i-nnQT9Nd/6/XL/20110428_img_5817-XL.jpg
               => `20110428_img_5817-XL.jpg'
    Connecting to photos.klein-jensen.dk:80... connected!
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 259,847 [image/jpeg]
        0K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 19%]
       50K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 39%]
      100K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 59%]
      150K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 78%]
      200K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 98%]
      250K -> ...                                                    [100%]
    20:56:48 (247.81 MB/s) - `20110428_img_5817-XL.jpg' saved [259847/259847]

    Cool, it should be :) We've spent $millions to make SmugMug faster.
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