Okay, so I'm not sure these pics from Saturday qualify for sedate, although a few fit its synonym "serene." I agree to comments in other posts that sedate has a human element but ....








If I were only considering mankind, then a sedate image might be a dowager duchess, with pince nez, towering hat, and trailing gown...
But, in the land of Birds, such as shot #3, perhaps to them, this soft image might just be the most absolute personification of sedate...
Then, you might ask, what would they call Explosive?
What say you?
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I love #1, but there is too much going on for the scene to be sedate. Just the woman on the right would do it, though - if we could see more of her face.
FWIW, the stock photo agencies include landscapes and other non-human subjects in the sedate category, so I'm guessing that a lot of clients looking for sedate images agree. Which says nothing about how our judges will see it.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
The colors in #2 and #3 are stunning and either one would have been a contender for the silhouette theme. I just don't see sedate in either one.
#4 comes closest to conveying sedate, IMHO. I keep thinking of the overture by Felix Mendelsohn called "Calm Sea and Prosperous Voyage" when I look at that photo.
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