LPS 8 - Explosive Outtakes
I don't know if anyone is interested to see it, but I had a lot of fun producing the Sugar Rush photo in LPS 8 (once I realized I had to let the can get hot outside to make a decent burst after being shaken - out-of-the-fridge-cold didn't provide many "fireworks") and just wanted to share some of the pictures that didn't make the cut, but still looked interesting at least to me.

Kind of gross looking mucous-y effect on this one...

Nice forward shooting action, but not enough spray!

A coke tongue...?

Good spray, but the coke can face is over-exposed! Let's try it again - just what the wife wanted to hear

I went through eight coke cans before I finally decided I had a pic I wanted to use. The yard was quite caffeinated at this point.
And if anyone noticed, on the can it actually has a date of 2006 - this is back when I decided to start drinking diet cola, and I found them buried in the back of the fridge up until now.
The dirty work was done by my new photo assistant and loving wife.
I assume someone else must have had some failed attempts at catching explosions that might have made decent pictures but didn't make the cut for the contest. Feel free to add them to the thread if so...

Kind of gross looking mucous-y effect on this one...

Nice forward shooting action, but not enough spray!

A coke tongue...?

Good spray, but the coke can face is over-exposed! Let's try it again - just what the wife wanted to hear

I went through eight coke cans before I finally decided I had a pic I wanted to use. The yard was quite caffeinated at this point.
And if anyone noticed, on the can it actually has a date of 2006 - this is back when I decided to start drinking diet cola, and I found them buried in the back of the fridge up until now.
The dirty work was done by my new photo assistant and loving wife.
I assume someone else must have had some failed attempts at catching explosions that might have made decent pictures but didn't make the cut for the contest. Feel free to add them to the thread if so...
50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
I didn't have sodas..but I had fireworks, and was thinking of entering one of them into LPS 8, but when I saw so many firework entries, I stayed with my original photo.
Here are three, which one of them I was thinking of entering:
OOPS sorry, I misuderstood, you want shots of the outtakes of the photos....
This is the one that I was going to enter originally from the "rain" shoot...but we decided to go for the gusto, and just submerge her into the rain instead. I did entitle this one.."Then Came The Rains".
www.theanimalhaven.com :thumb
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Canon 30D, some lenses and stuff... I think im tired or something, i have a hard time concentrating.. hey look, a birdie!:clap
I LOVE the "coke tongue". Hilarious!
Congrats again....
Too funny!
Then I had this idea and it was the reason I sculpted the "BOMB" (using super sculpey) in the first place. I was thinking of a shot of a hand/hands cradling this cartoon/acme style explosive. But then I thought, I gots a top hat and long black coat, why not go all out. Plus it didn't seem to have the over-the-topness that a bomb labled "bomb" needed
edited to add the flower shot
Great Thread! I LOVE the soda outtakes! Awesome!!!!
I also like the idea of this being a regular thread... I would love to see more of what others regected!
Jfreeman- I am soooo glad you went with the bomb picture that you did choose, I loved that one immediately when I saw it!!!!
We set up a mattress on my back deck (it got to 95 that day, what a trooper!:whew) to get open shade light, and I had a couple of reflectors to her left to light her face, to look like a sunlit window was there.
1. This was the shot originally envisioned. The whole cigarette "after" idea. We decided a male model already asleep next to her would have helped, and I didn't feel like calling in that bizarre request to my brother
2. this was a contender, but only one foot looked weird and the context didn't register
3. Shot from an upstairs window (the 70-200 is heavy when you're leaning from the second story!) wasn't great on the theme, and i wished that second pillow wasn't on her hair.
4. closer....
5. I knew in camera this one was *it*, and I did some edgy treatment on it at first but decided it (and the tattoo) counteracted "sedate".
ETA: Pat, apologies if we've overtaken your thread, I'm happy to start another one!
50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
PS: Pat said we could add our "outtakes" to this thread..
Awesome photos, I can see why she is your muse, she is soooo beautiful... and incredibly photogenic!!!
When I saw your entry, I fell in LOVE with it...I laughed, and all I could think of was the cartoon Dudley (DooRight?) and the evil landlord....Then I look at your Tecs..and thought FAB JOB! CONGRATS too btw!!
Not at all, I was definitely hoping other people would post their outtakes. I also didn't mean to be exclusive with my title to say only explosive outtakes... I was just trying to think of a clever name for the thead
I totally agree! I will pass that on to her, she is thirty-and-three-kids-something!
50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
thanks for your comments!!! CONGRATS to you too, you also had a lovely model to work with! Its funny, when you said something about being the "runner" up in case something happened, I was really afraid they were going to re-count the votes or something and I'd get bumped out...turns out that did kinda happen, but it thankfully wasn't me!
50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
Like most people my first thought was fireworks and I got some decent shots but nothig that wow'd me.
So I wasn't even planning on entering this LPS. I had a shoot with a co-worker and played around with sun flares and decided I would throw one of those in just so I had any entry. By the time I got home and uploaded the photos I had 15 minutes to edit, upload to my smugmug site and enter the competition. My entry made the time line by 8 minutes but did not get many votes. :cry
Natural Fireworks
Maybe I should have tried the actual fireworks?
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
ROTFLMAO....even the written words on a page things can get confuzzled..
I was actually thinking along the lines of Ms. America...You know you have the winners, and the runner up is there, in case anything happens.....Plus, I didn't want to feel badly, so I called my self a "Runner Up"..it sounded PURDY and it keeps your Morale up (well in my crazy brain it does)..
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and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
www.HoofClix.com / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
Why not make another thread????
I would like to see them....and Thank You for your wonderful compliment, I am very appreciative.