Pig out of Water

Well this is even my first attempt at one of these LPS contest. It was much easier for me when there wasn't any major prize involved! I suppose I worry to much about win or lose sometimes and since I never really got close to winning one of the many many dgrin contest I thought for sure I wouldn't even have a chance in one of these! But then I thought, what kind of attitude is that? Grab the camera, have fun, think of new ideas...thats what its really all about. So heres my first attempt. Win or lose I had fun!
All images in this image were taken within the contest time. I bet the pig would have preffered Surf instead of Turf. It looks like hes getting cold feet. His story:
The Mystical Adventures of Jimmy the Pig
Jimmy the pig was free, he had run from his evil master and made it to the open fields of grass. What was that noise though? It was so loud and it smelled different. Not the beautiful smell of the forest but the smell of burning. He walked closer to the sound to find out where it was coming from and walked quietly into the thick of the bushes. When he emerged from the other side nothing was as he expected. A white board jutted out in front of him calling to his curiousity. He could see objects he had never witnessed in such grandeur. Buildings were no longer the size of the farm but grew to the sky and people walked everywhere with no grass in sight. He looked to his right and he could see the farmland he had just left but now it was so far away, behind him there were only stairs but not the bushes he had walked through before.
Jimmy sat for a few moments and looked down onto the ground. A young woman was looking into a beautiful stream of water, it was below him! Perhaps if he could get to it he could walk through as he did into this world and leave all of the scary and new noises behind. He put one foot forward, then the other three followed. Each step was an odd clack as he connected with the hard surface below him. He looked out over the abyss at the end and knew it was to far to jump. Suddenly an object floated into view, a yellow object that looked so soft and inviting it had to be there just for this moment! Jimmy leaned back and got ready, he knew he had only one chance to land on his target. And then.....
All images in this image were taken within the contest time. I bet the pig would have preffered Surf instead of Turf. It looks like hes getting cold feet. His story:
The Mystical Adventures of Jimmy the Pig
Jimmy the pig was free, he had run from his evil master and made it to the open fields of grass. What was that noise though? It was so loud and it smelled different. Not the beautiful smell of the forest but the smell of burning. He walked closer to the sound to find out where it was coming from and walked quietly into the thick of the bushes. When he emerged from the other side nothing was as he expected. A white board jutted out in front of him calling to his curiousity. He could see objects he had never witnessed in such grandeur. Buildings were no longer the size of the farm but grew to the sky and people walked everywhere with no grass in sight. He looked to his right and he could see the farmland he had just left but now it was so far away, behind him there were only stairs but not the bushes he had walked through before.
Jimmy sat for a few moments and looked down onto the ground. A young woman was looking into a beautiful stream of water, it was below him! Perhaps if he could get to it he could walk through as he did into this world and leave all of the scary and new noises behind. He put one foot forward, then the other three followed. Each step was an odd clack as he connected with the hard surface below him. He looked out over the abyss at the end and knew it was to far to jump. Suddenly an object floated into view, a yellow object that looked so soft and inviting it had to be there just for this moment! Jimmy leaned back and got ready, he knew he had only one chance to land on his target. And then.....

My Pictures can be seen at http://prezwoodz.smugmug.com
I Live at http://www.alaskamountainforum.com
I Live at http://www.alaskamountainforum.com
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
Btw Schmoo do you have link that shows the rest of your avatar? Your avatar is so mysterious to me! I wanna see the rest!
I Live at http://www.alaskamountainforum.com
So I added a story to the picture heh. Does that help?
I Live at http://www.alaskamountainforum.com
Get rid of the border on the photo if you submit...
And don't take anyone's advice on whether it fits the theme, as, well, that's just your call!
www.HoofClix.com / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
Maybe if you were about 20 feet higher and looking down at him against the backdrop of the cobblestones to eliminate the buildings...? Hey, you're a climber, right??
Hahah I am flattered by your curiosity! I hate photos of me (much more comfortable behind the camera) but here is the whole thing. Most self-portraits end up looking more like, this, however.
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
Thats a great portrait! I think my favorite part of the avatar was the tiny hair portion. Got me invisioning some really crazy hair ideas of what the portrait would be!
I Live at http://www.alaskamountainforum.com
This summer's wilderness photography project: www.tessa-hd.smugmug.com/gallery/3172341
Having never tangled with the Czech police, I'll have to take your word for it. To me the concept of a frightened pig is pretty scary in and of itself! But I hope you enter the challenges, if not with this photo then other ones! I never seem to be able to juggle time + inspiration + themes.
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
Technical things: it looks like there's an unblended line in the upper left where two portions of the background meet. Or it could be a wire. I couldn't tell. It was distracting, whatever it was.
In the upper right, under the outcrop of the building, it looks like some quick masking or paintbrushing still visible there. Or it could be clouds. Again, I couldn't tell, but it took me away from the picture.
Cool idea.
That is some great hair! heh. You should enter as well! Ive enjoyed a lot of your other photo's and don't worry about getting in the right theme or inspiration. Heck even if you put up a photo of a cat playing foosball you still get to enter! Who needs to win? Obviously not us if we don't even enter!
I Live at http://www.alaskamountainforum.com
True, that. I like the way you think, Mr Optimistic!
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography