California flavored entries for LPS 10
I'm on vacation in California, but I've decided to not let that stand in the way of participating in an LPS round. I've been scouring the California coast for vacation memories and entry material for LPS 10 and here is what I have so far. I'm having trouble on deciding which to enter, so if you feel like helping out, please let me know which you prefer from #1-#5. Any comments or criticisms are welcome.

My Heaven on Earth (series)




Thanks for looking!

My Heaven on Earth (series)




Thanks for looking!
These are all very nice spots (been to all of them and love them all!) and great shots, but I honestly don't think they are good representatives for the LPS10. Water or a shoreline does not equal "surf". A piece of land does not say "turf" either. I'd say you need something more prominent to cover either of the suggested themes.
Did you know you can set up a tent almost right on top of McWay falls? ;-)
I have no problem seeing surf in these photographs. After all, it is breaking on the shore. I suppose the question is whether it is the main subject of the photograph. Whatever.
Good luck.
P.S. I know that there is little time left to play, but you might try a pano crop on #4 which could elimnate the gray sea/sky area that takes up a lot of the picture without adding much. Just a thought, worth 2 cents at most.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
This summer's wilderness photography project:
Thanks for the feedback... I'm glad you've had the luxury of these views in person as well. I think the pictures turned out well, but they still don't do the real thing much justice.
I kind of understand what you are saying... I know I could have tried to make the surf more of a prominent subject in my photos, but I was more concerned at the time of capturing the beauty of these landscapes than the contest... although it's never far from the back of my mind
Thanks for the feedback and suggestion. I didn't get back from our excursions today before the time ran out, but I will consider your suggestion for #4. It's actually fog that had finally begun to lift. I liked the way it was curling over the mountain in #5, but I think you are right for #4. I'll definitely experiment with it when we get back from the vacation and I have more time.
Thanks so much for the great compliment! And your comment about them looking like bonzai is the same thing I said when I saw them. This spot where I took this picture is probably the highlight of the "famous" 17 mile drive in the Monterey pennisula of California. The other pictures were from the Big Sur stretch of the Pacific Coast Highway. The views are so incredible in person that I would recommend to anyone to do it sometime in their life. One thing though - fog almost ruined it for us. We drove down in the morning and could hardly see anything. On the way back up it finally lifted around 4 pm and heaven was revealed before our eyes. So I would recommend timing drives down it to the mid or late afternoon.
Welcome to Dgrin!
It's McWay falls, just a couple of hours away from your place. More here (old pics, circa 2005, sorry).
Ah ha! Very good, thank you for the link. I'll add it to the list of places I want to visit : ) Carry on.
I think any appreciator of nature should see these places while they still can, especially california natives! Except for the first picture, they were all taken along the stretch of the Pacific Coast highway (California 1 I believe) in Big Sur. The picture with the big rock off in the far distance and fog is where the Big Sur lighthouse is. As Nickolai said, the waterfall is McWay falls, a very easy hike, less than a mile. The other two pictures were just one of the stops where you can pull off the highway and take in the breathtaking scenery. As I said earlier though, to avoid blinding fog, you should probably do your sightseeing in the mid to late afternoon.
The first picture is the highlight of the 17 mile drive. You have to pay around $8 to get on it, and most of it was a let down, but the Lone Cypress was worth it. 17 mile drive is in the monterey pennisula... we saw signs for it off the PCH.