Questions for those not in the semifinal

Since we have a little time on our hands...
- What would you have liked to have done different last cycle?
- What do you plan on doing or changing (if anything) during the next cycle?
- Have you noticed any changes in your shooting style and/or technique since starting LPS?
- Now that you have worked with them a while, what do you think about the dual themes we use for each round?
Creator of Dgrin's "Last Photographer Standing" contest
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
Now that you have worked with them a while, what do you think about the dual themes we use for each round?
I like the dual theme format, but seeing some of the themes in the suggestion thread (7 deadly sins, 70 songs, etc.), I think it would be fun to take middle LPSs (3,7,13,17) and make the theme non-standard. The Photo Section
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie The Photo Section
Do not plan to change much other than try to focus on post process more and develop in that area. Continue to try new things, break the 'rules' of art and photography, and prevent myself from shooting in one style. I figure the more I experiment the better I will become both technically and artistically.
I have noticed a dramatic difference in not only the way I shoot (full manual- all the time) but the quality of my work. I recently looked back at some of the work I had done a year ago. There were occasionally good shots but now I have significantly more quality shots each time I shoot. I contribute this to seeing the quality of work in these challenges and challenging myself to step up and equal it.
I enjoy the dual theme and figuring out which way I want to go or if i can somehow find a way to incorporate both. I have found it does help to know the judges as in the last challenge both yourself and Nikolai were very strict in how you viewed the theme- while in other challenges that was not the case with the judges. I now understand that the photo must not only fit the theme but it must also have that something extra which captures the judges attention.
I have yet to qualify for a top ten but have been very close on a few occasions and not on others.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
I really love the dual theme concept because I often find myself discovering ideas for one of the themes while thinking my way through the other (opposite) theme.
Here's another variation for you to consider: the photographer enters two shots - one that illustrates a theme of their choosing and one that illustrates the opposite theme? And limit the titles for each photo to ONE WORD ONLY just like the previous LPS themes.
This summer's wilderness photography project:
I know I'm in the SF, but I wanted to participate in the Q&A...
Making the top 10!
Yes, aside from pushing myself outside of my comfort zone for subjects, I have also become more critical of my on work, thus noticing a vast improvement in my images outside of the LPS.
I like the format since the dual themes provide options for those that a single theme would not pose an opprtunity. LPS10 for instance would have penalized those that are not near the coast if Surf was the only theme. The only frustration that I have is in just how different themes are interpreted at the judges level. How can an image be selected if the judges have opposing interpretations of what the base theme is? It would be one thing if the contestants knew the biases in advance but that is not the case unless you have personal knowledge of each judge.
Overall, I really like the contest format and am impressed with how it is being conducted. It has helped me grow as a photographer by leaps and bounds in the short amount of time that I have been participating.
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures