
I have not asked for opinions and feedback lately
not because I do not value the opinions of the community but mainly due to
my lack of time to participate and feel asking others to lend me their opinion should not be a one way street.
So.. with that little bit of info out of the way, please feel free to vote on your favorite of my three favorites (so far) :wink
No comments are required but welcome.
#1. The current entry ... "when the day ends"
(a mixture of simplicity and beauty)

#2. "rock my world"
(bold color and morning light)

#3. "pink noise"
(evening kiss of the just set sun)

#4. - Keep shooting ...
Thanks for looking.
not because I do not value the opinions of the community but mainly due to
my lack of time to participate and feel asking others to lend me their opinion should not be a one way street.
So.. with that little bit of info out of the way, please feel free to vote on your favorite of my three favorites (so far) :wink
No comments are required but welcome.
#1. The current entry ... "when the day ends"
(a mixture of simplicity and beauty)

#2. "rock my world"
(bold color and morning light)

#3. "pink noise"
(evening kiss of the just set sun)

#4. - Keep shooting ...
Thanks for looking.
Which one is your fav? 40 votes
#1. - Current entry "when the day ends"
21 votes
#2 - "rock my world"
14 votes
#3 - "pink noise"
4 votes
#4 -trifecta what? -- Keep shooting!
1 vote
Comments The Photo Section
Well OK, I think that #3 is the worst masterpiece in the lot... / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
...and to make things even MORE confusing...#1 is my favorite!! They are all absolutely beautiful...but something about #1 just says beauty, tranquility and peacefulness to me. It takes me away to a magical place, just to look at it.
Canon Rebel XTi w/18-55mm kit lens
100-300mm USM
100mm macro USM & Kenko extension tubes
I like 2, the color scheme, the high depth range of the sky and tones, the subtle ripples of the water, but may I suggest burning the blown out whites a little, for instance, on the right hand side...My eye keeps getting pulled over there, and I am quite sure it is not snow, right? (I hope, I have not offended).
PS: The only reason I thought you were a female, was not due to your writings..but the "handle".."Sher" and then I assumed (I should never the last name was "stone".
I'm pretty hard to offend.
If I didn't want opinions I would just hide away and never post
In fact since the leading fav here seems to be "rock my world" so far
I am actually working on the problem you mention right now.
Thank you for pointing it out.
And I must give thanks to everyone else for taking the time to lend me your kind words.
thanks Tentacion.
My Smug Gallery
Hope this helps!
It certainly has been a close race and the potential for it to fall either way is still there since the poll is open till the 21st but I think it is now obvious that both #1 and #2 are almost equally liked. At the moment "when the day ends" is leading and the compelling reasons given for continuing to leave it in place have been stated and stated VERY WELL
I too initially felt a sense peace when viewing and capturing this image.
That is the biggest reason for starting this poll is I wanted to see if my "gut" was speaking correctly. It is and always will be a hard choice when dealing with an entry especially when all you can enter is one.
Simply, is the key word here for me as it resounds inside my own head
I think this comment above all else cuts to the chase and sunita is not the only person to have mentioned this to me I have had several emails and direct discussions with family that mention similar feelings. The rocks while very "nice" are a more common scene than #1.
This certainly does not mean that all the other comments that are supporting #2 do not make a heavy impact on me, in fact I have been very close to switching out my entry several times within the last 24 hours, I still may switch things out last minute or I may just stay with my "gut" and leave well enough alone. (this has not always been the best decision)
Above all I respect each and every one of you for taking your precious time and kind honesty to let me know how you are affected by the images above. It is purely amazing to have the ability to do this in a contest environment where each person responding is both a potential competitor who may "best" you and a potential public vote.
Yes I am passionate about #1 and maybe that reason alone should be why I should not even start a poll like this, but as you all know and experience yourselves the craving for an outside view of things is a vitally important step in making a final decision, whether it be from family, friends or your peers.
Thank you again!
Sean, you know I've been on the fence about these 2, but Sunita's reply was what I was thinking last night. The rocks have been 'done before' (though all of us would like to be able to do one!) Not all of us are priveleged to live with a rocky coastline, I think that's part of why we are so attracted to them. But I don't think I've seen a shot quite as still and 'picture-perfect' as your original entry. It's your call. / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
Although, I like number 2, I must say that in originality, I would have to go with 1.
BUT the biggest reason....YOUR GUT FEELING, you must listen to your inner voices.. I have kicked myself in the arse for not listening to it on certain occasions.....
Your photos are wonderful, and I have enjoyed looking at them.
#2 is also pretty, but goes further, engages the intellect, invites me to stop and look and think about form and light and weather.
#3 doesn't grab me.
WOW - I'm honored you like it that much.
I was not intending for anyone to change thier mind or 'concede'. The gut feeling thing is a tortureous feeling sometimes :hurt
Thanks Gary, for your feedback, seeing how honest you are about things I'll take it and run with it.
I just got back from another 2 days of shooting... and will be reviewing the shots but I do not think anything will best what I have already.
Thank you again for participating in one of many polls this time around.
It is well said thoughts like this that make living on the edge of a pointy fence so painful. :twitch
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"Challenge yourself! You will have days of discouragement and days of success, but the only way to fail, is to quit!" - Emily (Greensquared)