Anyone Ready to Critique for LPS 11?

Here's where I'm hoping to go for LPS 11
My working title is "1000 Tons at Your Service"
I'd love to hear your questions, comments, cheers, or jeers.

My working title is "1000 Tons at Your Service"
I'd love to hear your questions, comments, cheers, or jeers.


James ---
It certainly looks like a healthy specimen under the machine category, but I really can't tell what it is. It looks like the lighting might be difficult to work with in there and it appears to be hiding some of the detail of this beast. But your name and its size certainly has me intrigued to hear you tell what it actually is!
Patrick, Kerry, and Susan,
Thanks for looking and helping me see this through fresh eyes. My fear about using this shot is that it is not recognizable enough and that it won't have the impact on others that it has on me. I like the photo because of the enormity of the machine and because of the light and texture. To me it's a greasy, filthy, poorly lit, location that harbors a monster...but maybe that's just me.
The machine is a hydraulic press that is used for It is capable of 1000 tons of force. Yes, that's 2,000,000 pounds of force that can be used to form just about anything you want to form. The tool currently in the press is used to form 2-inch thick steel plates into nice curved door frames for those huge windmill towers you see out on the plains. The press sits near the doorway of a very large fabrication building looking like a monster protecting its domain. When new people walk into the factory, the first reaction is something along the lines of, ".... HOLY ----, what's that?"
I may try to shoot upward at a sharper angle to try to convey the strength in a better way. I may also get a couple of worker to stand near it to give it a little more scale. An action shot is not feasible because it moves VERY SLOOOOOOOOWLY.
Thanks for looking guys, you've been a great help. Any other suggestions?
-- James