LPS 11 Take Two - ME TOO!

What are the odds? :dunno A friend of mine calls today and we're talking about his latest project and he says to me that they are all finished except for a few glamour shots of the end product....
I volunteered to help out. :wink
Anyone see any possibilities here?
#1 - Title: Custom Design and Fab

#2 - Title: Admiration

#3 - Title: :dunno
I volunteered to help out. :wink
Anyone see any possibilities here?
#1 - Title: Custom Design and Fab

#2 - Title: Admiration

#3 - Title: :dunno

James --- www.SaltForkImages.com
Oh...on these shots. One doesn't do anything for me. Two and three are good. The reflection idea is good but the poses of the two men aren't convincing to me or powerful enough to be a plus. I like the geometric artistic feel of the last. It is my favorite of the three. If you could do a retake and get the right "Man" in the right "man pose" (muscular man in t-shirt with smokes rolled up in his sleeve with arms folded looking tough...). OK...I think that totals up to about $.02
Good luck!
Some of My Photos: app.electrikfolio.com/v/steven-hatch
I completely agree with you. October is a possibility; Christmas is already booked!
As for LPS11 - I'm afraid you may be right. Maybe I could PS a reflection of the Tetons into the truck fender.......now you're talkin'.
Still trying.....
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
Travis, Thanks for the thoughts. I may be able to combine your idea with Shatch's idea and have a muscular dude in a Harley T-shirt in the reflection..... or maybe just me in my Harley shirt....
Work with what ya got, ya know....
I see the muscular guy with cig, in the relfection looking back down the road he's just traveled - maybe thinkin' of turning around and goin' back...
[FONT=georgia, bookman old style, palatino linotype, book antiqua, palatino, trebuchet ms, helvetica, garamond, sans-serif, arial, verdana, avante garde, century gothic, comic sans ms, times, times new roman, serif] The goal is not to change your subjects, but for the subject to change the photographer. ~Author Unknown
Olympus EVolt 500
It looks good!
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
Thanks Travis. You and Shatch helped lead me to a fun photo project. And, I got to work out my new AlienBees. Now I'm really dangerous....
No problem. How do you like the Alien Bees? I have a single 800 and I'm wishing I just bought the whole portrait setup before I saddled myself with a mortgage.
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
I'm really liking the AB's so far. I just got them yesterday - got 2 800's, 2 light stands, 2 carrying bags, 2 radio receivers, 1 radio transmitter, and 2 umbrellas. Customer service was great; one of my umbrellas was the wrong model and they are sending me the correct one and told me to keep the wrong one for my trouble.
I've got absolutely no experience with studio lighting - but so far it's all working exactly like they say it is supposed to. I did the shot of myself in the Harley t-shirt this morning and had no problems....