Another Decision....

Hey y'all,
Just wanted to get a couple of opinions. These were actually my fallbacks while looking for my main subject. Which do you like? Thanks in advance!


3 - Updated based on suggestions
Just wanted to get a couple of opinions. These were actually my fallbacks while looking for my main subject. Which do you like? Thanks in advance!


3 - Updated based on suggestions

I would have to agree with Felicia...#2 tells me a story...but something doesn't seem right with my eye, maybe it is the darkness in the right corner...I can't quite put my "eye" on it...
I like the strength and feel of #1, but I think it is lacking something....
Ok maybe it is too manly and that is what the problem is with my eye...:D
You know how you guys are...Oooo Oooo Tools Tools....whereas I am Oooo Shoe Sale Shoe Sale.. The Photo Section
I agree with the comment about dodging the area around the shovel of the backhoe.
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
I like #2, but unlike most people, I'm usually a fan of heavily polarized/processed skies. It reminds me of that movie with Jim Carry, where he's trapped in a fake town and is the subject of a TV show... dang, can't recall the title...
Decreased the polarization and dodged the pavement. New version added at the beginning of the post for comparison. Thanks!
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
I like #2 a lot better now....