Looking For Inspiration For #12, You Might Find It Here...

Came across this list while doing some research this morning. Perhaps it might spark some creativity in those needing a jump start. Hope it helps
Some virtues (a virtue is a character trait valued as being good) recognized in various Western cultures of the world include:
Have a great day.......
Some virtues (a virtue is a character trait valued as being good) recognized in various Western cultures of the world include:
- acceptance
- altruism
- appreciation
- assertiveness
- autonomy
- awareness
- balance
- being beautiful in spirit
- benevolence
- charity
- chastity
- cleanliness
- commitment
- compassion
- confidence
- consciousness
- consideration
- continence
- cooperativeness
- courage
- courteousness
- creativity
- critical thinking
- cunning
- curiosity
- dependability
- detachment
- determination
- diligence
- discipline
- empathy
- endurance
- enthusiasm
- excellence
- fairness
- faith
- fidelity
- flexibility
- focus
- foresight
- forgiveness
- fortitude
- freedom
- free will
- friendliness
- generosity
- happiness
- helpfulness
- honesty
- honour
- hopefulness
- hospitality
- humility
- humor
- idealism
- imagination
- impartiality
- independence
- innocence
- integrity
- intuition
- inventiveness
- joy
- justice
- kindness
- lovingness
- loyalty
- mercy
- moderation
- manners
- modesty
- morality
- nonviolence
- nurturing
- obedience
- openness
- optimism
- patience
- peacefulness
- perfection
- perseverance
- piety
- potential
- prudence
- purity
- purposefulness
- respectfulness
- responsibility
- restraint
- sacrifice
- self-awareness
- self-discipline
- self-esteem
- self-reliance
- self-respect
- sensitivity
- sharing
- sincerity
- spirituality
- sympathy
- tactfulness
- temperance
- thankfulness
- tolerance
- trustworthiness
- truth
- truthfulness
- understanding
- unselfishness
- wisdom
Have a great day.......
I'm in.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Whether one agrees or disagrees if "Innocence" is a virtue, what matters here is whether the submitted photograph moves the judges enough that a photo that displays innocence also conjures up virtuousity when it is seen. We can convince ourselves that it is, but the judges will decide.
Now Dave, I agree with Justiceiro's comment in your thread, that innocence is not a virtue.
It also seems to me that to meet the theme visually, innocence is exactly what won't be there. If there is sin, we basically know that it is there but don't don't do anything, and if there is virtue, it is probable that a conscious act took place to keep it from being the opposite.
(Too many philosophy classes in college, I suppose!)
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and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
Fine, I'll go for gluttony then.
Did you see the way that kid is sucking that bottle down?
I'm sure most know that the post above was one of those tongue in cheek posts.
I know all about it being the judges choice, and I'll run with that shot, win, lose, or draw.
Maybe I should just make the bottle larger like this.:D
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
I definitely like the one with the bigger bottle. Let's hope the judges do too.
My Gallery
This summer's wilderness photography project: www.tessa-hd.smugmug.com/gallery/3172341
Yes, this is what I was thinking as well, about the virtue element of the challenge. It would have to be a completely mind-blowing image to convey the positives beyond just a 'happy-snap' so to speak. There are a million ideas but conveying them - guess that's why it is a challenge
I hope my comment doesn't appear to be a reflection on the above image, as I think it is gorgeous, especially with the larger bottle