Justi's Abrasive LPS Critique thread

Several factors have led me to return to my "attempt to critique every entry" project. A) I am not travelling to some God Awful backwoods chemical plant this week (hurray!).
There were not 30,000 entries for this topic. I dread the day that the theme is "cuteness or sentimentality", the amount of submissions would likely crash the net up and down the east coast.
Again, let me reiterate the preconceptions that I work under when I judge an image.
My opinions about the above have not really changed. The only thing I would have is that I have a deep distrust of sentimentality in art generally. Particularly when given the opportunity to work within a theme that has the possibilites of one such as this. It should be noted, however, that I am a particular fan of this sort of photography, being in the 18th month of my apparently endless attempt to do digital illustrations of the inferno, while lacking the cash for a proper copy of photoshop or painter.
I looked at this contest with an even more critical (in both senses of the word) view than normal, because, unlike themes like "light or shadow" which are possibly interesting aesthetically and have a lot of possibilities, "sin or virtue" has all that, plus it deals with a central question, to my mind, of human existence. Who are we? How should we behave? What choices should we make about ordering ourselves and our society? It is also a subject with a rich tradition (in the west, at least) of art and thought that permeates it. So if you posted a Hello Kitty shot, I think you blew it.
There is a fine line, however, between criticism that is direct, and simply harsh asininity. I try to find something good in every shot, particularly if the artist went through any sort of effort to make the imamge, process it, and post it. Even if I don't "get" the image, the fact that it required work on the part of the creator indicates that there is something there. Of course, there is always the shot that obviously required no effort, and is a bit of an insult to you the viewer, but fortunately there were few examples (blessedly) of this in this particular round.
So, on to the particulars:
#1 Nelsonstuff- the root of all evil

Theme: clearly on theme, at least insofar as it is about avarice, and there is a 20 dollar bill in the photo.
Aesthetics: I'm not feelin' it. Is this an actual doll, or a photo fo a doll cut out and put on top of a rather strange fabric? I'm not seeing where you want to go with this.
#2 povertybarn- the evil that men do
Theme: I don't actually think this fits the theme at all. As much as I wish it did.
Aesthetics: Well lit, nice monolithic composition. Is this a metacritique of the LPS? If so, then Bravo. This is a great shot of a toilet. Then again, its a great shot of a toilet, so there you are.
#3 Bulls-Traveller- the 7 deadly sins
(img cannot be hotlinked)
Theme: very itneresting, obviously hits sin in both literal and metaphoric senses.
Aesthetics: I wish you had posted this in a place where we could have given feedback, because this shot has a lot of potential. The biggest problem is the use of flash. You badly need a diffusor here (particularly with the reflective surfaces involved) because the lgiht from the flash is harsh. Other than is, its a great shot. Well thought out, well set up- getting the outpouring of wine just right had to be a pain. I like this one, but the lighting is off.
#4 Llewellyn- the end of envy.
(cannot display small image)
Theme: Dead on- Envy, rage, violence. Has it all. reminds me of Janet Lee getting butchered in Psycho.
Aesthetics: I actually liked the other shot you dud better. Don't feel too bad. At 12:05 last night I liked my own other shot better as well. work with the handprint is great. The lighting is good, and these highly reflective tile surfaces are not easy to deal with. My biggest beef is the perspective of the limb. The arm looks a little "beefy" relative to the hand. I might have prefered it palm up. Other than that this shot is fantastic.
#5 hurricanesteve- Titus Andronicus Vindicta

Theme: 100% in theme. If any of Shakespeare's plays address human evil head on, Titus is it. A great shot from the climactic moment of a great tragedy.
Aesthetics: I really, really, dig this shot. If you are going to do sin, it needs to have a sense of malice in the shot, and in this shot the aggression is physically palpable. Great processing work, good body language. Very, very nice.
#6 Leaforte- Steadfast (Harley Davidson)

Theme: Steadfast or constancy is a virtue. I am not sure that this photo hits that directly, but it is enough to slide under the crack, so I, as final arbiter of all things thematic, do pronounce this as in theme.
Aesthetics: Very nice. I like "gear" closeups, but I suck at them. This one is well exposed and well lit (not as easy as it looks for these chrome surfaces). I would have liked a "touch" more of the words "road king" included. Also, some of the detail in the circular hub-like thing (I don't knwo bikes, I am afraid) where there is lettering would be good. Still and all, these are quibbles. Well done
#7 Marktodd- Pigging out

Theme: Fits the theme perfectly.
Aesthetics: This is a disgusting picture. The green on the hot dogs is particularly vile. I dig it. It really looks horrible, as sin ought to. The sweat on the forehead is an extremely delicate, and very nice touch. The one quible I have is that the expression in the eyes is a bit comical. I think his eyes should be full of self-loathing, rather than merriment. It makes the whole thing a little too jokey.
#8 davalistudios- Hope

theme: Hope being a cardinal virtue, this is in theme.
Aesthetics: Not a bad job, but I can't get super excited about this shot. I think you need to play with the exposure. The yellow could pop more. Also, the DOF is a little too shallow. The blurred background is nice, but the tree itself should be entirely in focus, to make the shot look "cleaner." As it is, it sort of mushes out a bit. Otherwise, this is a good idea.
#9 Fashiznitsngrins- Agape

Theme: absolutely. I am glad soemone chose agape. It's definitely a good virtue, and difficult to capture. Although this may be filial love rather than agape- quibble.
Aesthetics- this shot is very pretty.(I mean that in a good way, not a Hello Kitty way) The exposure and lighting are spot on, color temp gives this a sort of bettersweet rather than entirely sweet. You avoid sentimentality in this fashion. DOF is great.
#10 Davev- Got Milk?

Theme: This ground is well trodden over, and anyone who cares to can see the beaten and bloody dead horse in another thread. I am sticking to my guns. This is off theme. Innocence is not a virtue or a sin, it is the condition of lacking the capacity to recognize sin or virtue as an existential category; in other words, it means you can't distinguish between right and wrong. A baby, a man eating tiger, and a shizophrenic killer are all innocent.
Aesthetics: I have to say, I sort of like this shot (not for the contest). This is quite something because, as is well known: A) I hate kid shots.
I hate sentimental images. This is a sentimental image of a kid. It is so well done, however, that I find it actually tolerable. The autuer should regard this as high praise. I still, however, think it doesn't work for the contest. And, additionally, I don't accept that a great shot trumps theme, for the same reason I don' think Univirsity students don't have to read the canon just because it is a product of "dead western white guys." Makes me suspicious that someone is trying to put an intellectual gloss on laziness. It doesn't have to mean that, but it often does.
#11- Travis- Ariel

Theme: It's an angel, how could it not be in theme?
Aesthetics: This is my favorite shot of the contest. You may find this odd, as the shot contains a child. Why? Because this is not a shot about a kid. It's a shot about Virtue that contains a kid. That is the critical difference.
Well lit. Excellent processing. Great idea, fantastic execution. I love the crop, and the tight focus on the main subject. I have no suggestions for improvement, because I think it is almost perfect as it is. Maybe a wicked expression on the kid's face. I don't know.
She seems a little too sweet to be the angel of divine retribution, don't you think?
#12 Tentacion- Yeah it's all about me
(cannot display small image)
Theme: It's definitely sinful, so it is in theme.
Aesthetics: I like the idea. The exposure is good. I wouldn't ahve chosen to include the background ligth effects, I think it distracts from all the minutiae of symbols that are actually attached to the subject (the dollars, the bottle, etc.) The model is well posed, and well lit.
The big problem I have is lack of sharpness. I notice that the shutter speed here is 1/8th, and I assume you did this hand held. At speeds that low you really need a stable platform to shoot from. I would do this on a tripod.
I'll finish up a bit later. I actually have to do some work today.

Again, let me reiterate the preconceptions that I work under when I judge an image.
#1- I hate shots of dogs, kids, and selectively colored objects, so if you are going to do it, it had better be extra good.
#2 Dynamic is better than static.
#3 information rich images are better than images that are information poor.
#4- I think that photos which address the theme, all other things being equal, trump photos that don't; photos that address both themes trump those that address only one, and photos that establish dynamic tension between the two themes are the best of all, and that this is the reason themes exist.
#5- I do not follow or stick to my own rules very tightly, except for the one about selective coloring. I can also be bought very cheaply.
My opinions about the above have not really changed. The only thing I would have is that I have a deep distrust of sentimentality in art generally. Particularly when given the opportunity to work within a theme that has the possibilites of one such as this. It should be noted, however, that I am a particular fan of this sort of photography, being in the 18th month of my apparently endless attempt to do digital illustrations of the inferno, while lacking the cash for a proper copy of photoshop or painter.
I looked at this contest with an even more critical (in both senses of the word) view than normal, because, unlike themes like "light or shadow" which are possibly interesting aesthetically and have a lot of possibilities, "sin or virtue" has all that, plus it deals with a central question, to my mind, of human existence. Who are we? How should we behave? What choices should we make about ordering ourselves and our society? It is also a subject with a rich tradition (in the west, at least) of art and thought that permeates it. So if you posted a Hello Kitty shot, I think you blew it.
There is a fine line, however, between criticism that is direct, and simply harsh asininity. I try to find something good in every shot, particularly if the artist went through any sort of effort to make the imamge, process it, and post it. Even if I don't "get" the image, the fact that it required work on the part of the creator indicates that there is something there. Of course, there is always the shot that obviously required no effort, and is a bit of an insult to you the viewer, but fortunately there were few examples (blessedly) of this in this particular round.
So, on to the particulars:
#1 Nelsonstuff- the root of all evil

Theme: clearly on theme, at least insofar as it is about avarice, and there is a 20 dollar bill in the photo.
Aesthetics: I'm not feelin' it. Is this an actual doll, or a photo fo a doll cut out and put on top of a rather strange fabric? I'm not seeing where you want to go with this.
#2 povertybarn- the evil that men do
Theme: I don't actually think this fits the theme at all. As much as I wish it did.
Aesthetics: Well lit, nice monolithic composition. Is this a metacritique of the LPS? If so, then Bravo. This is a great shot of a toilet. Then again, its a great shot of a toilet, so there you are.
#3 Bulls-Traveller- the 7 deadly sins
(img cannot be hotlinked)
Theme: very itneresting, obviously hits sin in both literal and metaphoric senses.
Aesthetics: I wish you had posted this in a place where we could have given feedback, because this shot has a lot of potential. The biggest problem is the use of flash. You badly need a diffusor here (particularly with the reflective surfaces involved) because the lgiht from the flash is harsh. Other than is, its a great shot. Well thought out, well set up- getting the outpouring of wine just right had to be a pain. I like this one, but the lighting is off.
#4 Llewellyn- the end of envy.
(cannot display small image)
Theme: Dead on- Envy, rage, violence. Has it all. reminds me of Janet Lee getting butchered in Psycho.
Aesthetics: I actually liked the other shot you dud better. Don't feel too bad. At 12:05 last night I liked my own other shot better as well. work with the handprint is great. The lighting is good, and these highly reflective tile surfaces are not easy to deal with. My biggest beef is the perspective of the limb. The arm looks a little "beefy" relative to the hand. I might have prefered it palm up. Other than that this shot is fantastic.
#5 hurricanesteve- Titus Andronicus Vindicta

Theme: 100% in theme. If any of Shakespeare's plays address human evil head on, Titus is it. A great shot from the climactic moment of a great tragedy.
Aesthetics: I really, really, dig this shot. If you are going to do sin, it needs to have a sense of malice in the shot, and in this shot the aggression is physically palpable. Great processing work, good body language. Very, very nice.
#6 Leaforte- Steadfast (Harley Davidson)

Theme: Steadfast or constancy is a virtue. I am not sure that this photo hits that directly, but it is enough to slide under the crack, so I, as final arbiter of all things thematic, do pronounce this as in theme.
Aesthetics: Very nice. I like "gear" closeups, but I suck at them. This one is well exposed and well lit (not as easy as it looks for these chrome surfaces). I would have liked a "touch" more of the words "road king" included. Also, some of the detail in the circular hub-like thing (I don't knwo bikes, I am afraid) where there is lettering would be good. Still and all, these are quibbles. Well done
#7 Marktodd- Pigging out

Theme: Fits the theme perfectly.
Aesthetics: This is a disgusting picture. The green on the hot dogs is particularly vile. I dig it. It really looks horrible, as sin ought to. The sweat on the forehead is an extremely delicate, and very nice touch. The one quible I have is that the expression in the eyes is a bit comical. I think his eyes should be full of self-loathing, rather than merriment. It makes the whole thing a little too jokey.
#8 davalistudios- Hope

theme: Hope being a cardinal virtue, this is in theme.
Aesthetics: Not a bad job, but I can't get super excited about this shot. I think you need to play with the exposure. The yellow could pop more. Also, the DOF is a little too shallow. The blurred background is nice, but the tree itself should be entirely in focus, to make the shot look "cleaner." As it is, it sort of mushes out a bit. Otherwise, this is a good idea.
#9 Fashiznitsngrins- Agape

Theme: absolutely. I am glad soemone chose agape. It's definitely a good virtue, and difficult to capture. Although this may be filial love rather than agape- quibble.
Aesthetics- this shot is very pretty.(I mean that in a good way, not a Hello Kitty way) The exposure and lighting are spot on, color temp gives this a sort of bettersweet rather than entirely sweet. You avoid sentimentality in this fashion. DOF is great.
#10 Davev- Got Milk?

Theme: This ground is well trodden over, and anyone who cares to can see the beaten and bloody dead horse in another thread. I am sticking to my guns. This is off theme. Innocence is not a virtue or a sin, it is the condition of lacking the capacity to recognize sin or virtue as an existential category; in other words, it means you can't distinguish between right and wrong. A baby, a man eating tiger, and a shizophrenic killer are all innocent.
Aesthetics: I have to say, I sort of like this shot (not for the contest). This is quite something because, as is well known: A) I hate kid shots.

#11- Travis- Ariel

Theme: It's an angel, how could it not be in theme?
Aesthetics: This is my favorite shot of the contest. You may find this odd, as the shot contains a child. Why? Because this is not a shot about a kid. It's a shot about Virtue that contains a kid. That is the critical difference.
Well lit. Excellent processing. Great idea, fantastic execution. I love the crop, and the tight focus on the main subject. I have no suggestions for improvement, because I think it is almost perfect as it is. Maybe a wicked expression on the kid's face. I don't know.
She seems a little too sweet to be the angel of divine retribution, don't you think?
#12 Tentacion- Yeah it's all about me
(cannot display small image)
Theme: It's definitely sinful, so it is in theme.
Aesthetics: I like the idea. The exposure is good. I wouldn't ahve chosen to include the background ligth effects, I think it distracts from all the minutiae of symbols that are actually attached to the subject (the dollars, the bottle, etc.) The model is well posed, and well lit.
The big problem I have is lack of sharpness. I notice that the shutter speed here is 1/8th, and I assume you did this hand held. At speeds that low you really need a stable platform to shoot from. I would do this on a tripod.
I'll finish up a bit later. I actually have to do some work today.
Cave ab homine unius libri
Did you see the "sin" part in this shot? The leaving the toilet seat in an upright position sin? Just curious. It took me a minute, at first thinking that maybe the person had meant the actual act of going to the bathroom, but once I did realise, it cracked me up!!
BTW - thanks for the nice critique on mine. Much appreciated!
You are a hoot.
Much hilarity will ensue (hopefully) next week.
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
So first let me say this...
Then let me say this:
On the constitution that you outlined in the first part of your post, which you also clearly gave us after LPS 10 I think:
1. I notice that you kind of dislike certain subjects, but you don't actually seem to like any particular subjects, except for perhaps things that fall into the sins of classical literature (deduced from your critical comments, not from your constitution.) Maybe you could let us know what subjects you actually like.
2 & 3. Then you say what you like, but these aren't subjects as much as methods of artistic expression. So conversely, I ask if you could be more clear as to what methods of expression you really don't like to see.
4. Then you give your stance on the weight you would give to theme and photo quality. I hope that you don't think my comment from an earlier thread that a great photo will trump the theme is how I think it ought to be. I made that only to state how I think it is practically executed by most of the judges. But I don't take it personally if you do!
5. Disclaimer allowing yourself to blow yourself off!
On your critique of nelsonstuff, I don't think this was a serious entry. This was entered about 15 seconds after Shay opened the thread, really to reserve the spot of the first post, but I think he just didn't come up with anything better to put there. Who knows. Elusive fellow, he...
Ryan, your critiques are intellectually stimulating, even if they are at times absolutely downright insulting. I look forward to seeing the rest of your comments, and hope you don't dissapear for 10 days leaving us on the edge! I commend you also for putting an entry in, which is, IMO, a prerequisite in this group to justify your own critique thread!
para diante!
www.HoofClix.com / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
Actually, it was done with a Monopod, and I know about slow shutter speeds, and using tripod, monopod, chainpods, etc. My photo is sharp, but could it be, that it is not as sharp as what your personal tastes like?
When you can see the "5" on the money and still keep everything else in focus, you have done the job.
I added in the background for effects and also because the lines bring your eyes In and Out of the Photo and anyway you look at it...You Keep Coming Back to Her whether it is from her pointed boots to her top of her head.
My techs, as far as, I am concerned are good, I have no border or body mergers, no dead eye, no hotspots, my framing crop is good, good use of Rule of Thirds, nice contrasts of black and white, it was not composite work, and it was ALL About Her.
I displayed the theme of Sin..."Vanity", also if you continue to look at the photo..she tends to portray a "dancer"...and then it becomes even More About Her..and how she has it all because she is the center of attention, just as displayed in the photo.
I like doing different, and basically it is what I try to do when I enter my entries into this contest, in the End, even if I don't win a "spot" here...I like my work, and that is what counts...and the MODEL loved her photo.
Maybe I'm not cut out for the "contest"...I hate having to struggle with tests and apparently this contest is turning out to be a "test" of sorts, it appears that I have to live up to what my peers like and I don't like that feeling....So if you liked it or not,...I guess, I should just worry about what the judges think...
For your time and critique Justiciero thank you, don't mean to sound pissy, and to all those that do like my work...Thank You it is appreciated..I'm just at a point...To Continue or Not in this contest..is the question...
Either way, it will be quite the thread!
In the end, I can say I am happy that this entry fit the theme well and I'm sure nobody was in doubt as to what I was going for. Which brings me to a point that I wonder a lot about. If an entry is viewed minus the accompanying title, does the image stand on it's own to convey the theme? If the iamge needs to be explained by the title was it really successful from a purely thematic perspective? How important is the title when judging? I've read some of the threads on the topic of theme and I know this is hotly debated around here.
Absolutely. I don't think people (myself included) can get any better if they aren't given realistic critical opinions of their work. And if they disagree with criticism, then they should hash it out with the critic. That doesn't mean name calling, but people who submit should be prepared to vigorously defend their work.
I like really gritty stuff. Or beautiful stuff. It is hard to say- it is easier to say what I like than what I don't like. For this theme, I liked stuff that referenced classical literature or art that deals with sin or virtue. So, if you ref Dante in your work, that's a plus for me. For "surf or turf" I don't think it would be appropriate.
I really do want to avoid being taken as being insulting, but I really don't like to see images that I regard as pandering to the viewer. The intersection of sentimentality and art is Kitsch, and I don't like Kitsch. It's much easier to talk about methods of expression I like than subjects, because just about any subject can be shot in an intresting way. That doesn't mean, however, that every subject is automatically interesting in every way.
I think that the essence of the skill that we want to see demonstrated here is how the artist subtly warps and plays with the theme without breaking it, or ignoring it. If you ingore it, then you disqualify yourself. I regard two approaches as legitimate.
1- you make a nod to the theme, but then the photo stands on its own with little reference to the theme played out in the shot. The photo of the Anglican minister is an example. If the shot is good enough, then it could "trump theme" in a sense.
2-You really take a dynamic approach to the theme and invite the viewer to explore their thoughts about something theme related, using the photo as a catalyst.
#2 is really my favorite.
I jsut can't help but get the sneaking suspicion that some people look back at what they shot over the last two weeks, then submit whatever is closest to the theme. But they don't go out and actively try to develop a shot for the theme itself.
Of course. No one should take any of this that seriously.
Speaking seriously, I try to keep the tone light, because much of it treads on delicate ground. Everyone, on some level, wants to be told that they are the greatest photographer since HCB. When you critique stuff, its best to couch it in language indicating that your intent is not to be asinine, but to converse about the nature of our craft.
Sometimes, however, I really have to stifle myself. Some people (not so much in this thread, but this was a terrible problem in others) enter stuff that has no redeeming characteristics whatsoever. They are not even shots that took any time to do. I can't come right out and say "this is crap" or "why are you insulting my intelligence and wasting my time" so I prefer to say nothing. Or somethign completely inoccuous. Rest assured, I fI have taken the time to critique your photo in depth, it's because I think it's worth something.
Strongly disagreeing with someone does not mean that you are insulting them. I obviously have strong opinions about a number of things. I am probably in a state of absolute disagreement in artistic terms with, say "Saurora" regarding Kid Shots. That doesn't mean I don't respect her work, or think she is technically accomplished. In fact, I usually draw some interesting processing ideas from her work each time she posts it, and I think her shot of a dog a while back was one of the best I have seen. If everyone agreed, this forum would be awfully boring. And if no one will argue with you, how can you ever have your mind changed?
Really? I always feel more comfortable critiquing when I don't have something in the competition. That way there is no conflict of interest.
Donna, I think you are concentrating too much on the parts of the photo that I didn't like, and not enough on the parts that I did. When I put something out, I generally like people to come back and tell me how I can improve it- this way I learn to improve, rather than staying at the same level of technical accomplishment.
As for sharpness, it's like seeking the holy grail. I like my subjects super sharp, and am almost never able to achieve the level of sharpness that I desire in my own work.
The hardest part of making images is seeing a good image in your head, and then attempting to work it out technically. The technical stuff is a lot easier to learn than the "eye." And I think there is no question that you have a good eye. Your shot from under the pier a few rounds ago was one of my favorites, and showed great use of color, and getting a dynamic effect from skewing a horizon.
These are not 'tests", they ought to be trials. At no point are we going to pass. And who gives a crap if you win anyway?
What I want is to throw my best work up against other people's best work, with limited time frames, and then sweat it all out in the mix. That's interesting to me.
Also, sometimes you just don't feel something, because it just doesn't appeal to you. There is no good or bad in this, it is what it is. Sometimes I see a person who does both shots I hate and shots that I love. This is aesthetics, it isn't physics. There are no right answers. Except, of course, that photos of junkies are always cool. That goes without saying.
Looking forward to your other critiques and the resulting discussion. I wish I could participate each week, but I don't think as fast as you guys.
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
As for Justi's critique. If you don't like it, don't read it. Simple as that. I am absolutley 100% sure there is critique that happens between friends on IM that is HIGHLY critical of people. Justiceiro just chooses to share his thoughts on this forum. More power to him.
As for Nelsonstuff. Best of show. I know what Nelsonstuff was trying to say to this challenge and this forum. He was trying to get a message across. Sometimes it doesn't need to be technically amazing shot to get the message across. Sticking it to the status quo. Nice job man.
Actually, it was 7 minutes - 15 seconds is outright impossible.
And one of my best pieces yet. Photography is also communication, right?
I hope there is some type of metacritique going on, because I know you can do good stuff (like "adverse conditions, for example).
First, I totally missed the point of the toilet seat! Now I understand..
Second, I should have gone back to calculate the actual amount of time it took nelsonstuff to think about, shoot, post process and post his entry. Fantastik job I do say. I don't get it, but it I'm certainly not the judge... Truly sorry for not having taken it seriously.
Third, Ryan, this is your thread. I'm just trying to clarify things you've put on the table. For instance, you say the subjects you like, but I can only deduce from your recent work that you like the subject of junkies. I just figured that you might clarify things. I don't have any problem with the critiques you give us. As you know, I've learned from your technical comments as well as your artistic opinion.
I understand your point when you say that you feel more comfortable critiquing when you don't have anything in the competition, makes you feel more impartial, with no conflict of interest. I hadn't commented on it from your point of view. I was speaking about being on the receiving end of such thorough criticism. It's not always as easy to take as it is to give. I have a feeling that your comments would have been the same had you not entered. If that's true, then logically the difference would not be the content, but how you felt while giving it!
Anyway, still looking forward to seeing the complete critique, whenever that happens..... I'll read it all whether or not I like it or agree with it!
www.HoofClix.com / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
I was still waffling, but in the end the sheer violence of my second shot won me over.
As much as I'd like to blame the "beefiness" on lens distortion, it's most likely just the thickness of my arm and the distortion caused by trying to make it "dead weight" hanging uncomfortably on the side of the tub. I actually did try a couple shots with the hand facing upward, but it made the body feel more "alive" than I wanted, if that makes sense.
Thank you for the detailed critique!
Four times, actually. Your shot is missing the obligatory brownie or cookie to go with that diet Coke (I'm from Atlanta...all sodas are "Cokes").
Actually, maybe even five times, as I've been asked via PM where the chocolate milkshake was.... Anyway, up heah in Sowth Caahlina, we call 'em Cacolas, and being a sometimes "24" fan, the blue-brew was all we had on hand...
www.HoofClix.com / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
Theme: I am assuming that this is a house of worship, so that fits under virtue.
Aesthetics: I like the black and white conversion. The tones are starkw ithout losing information. The late day shadowa are good as well, I just wish that lamp had been a bit more lit up. The biggest drawback is the fact that the image is a bit static, and needs a bit more compositional focus.
#15 Mpaulie- marriage and the virtue of loyalty
Theme: I don't feel I am qualified to speak to this, as frankly I know nothing of Indian wedding customes. I assume that the henna treatment for the hands has some religious or ritual significance.
Aesthetics: Lovely colors, I lke the fact that you avoided the temptation to include more of the subject and dilute the compositional focus. DOF is also good. Well done.
#16- Nikos- Invidia
Theme: The Divine Comedy was the first thing I thought of when I saw the title of this round. Dead on.
Aesthetics: Composition is outstanding. The lighting is fantastic. This is really, really good work. I might have eased up on the pain aspect of the facial expression, this is purgatory rather than hell. The cantos that deal with Sapia feel more sad than painful to me.
#17- Vandana-You can call me goldie
Theme well, it is certainyl giving me sinful thoughts.
Aesthetics: I like the pop art look of this. It has that sort of eighties look to it. Lighting is nice, and the post processing is cool. That speech bubble, however, ruins it for me. Why did you put that in there?
#18 Zanotti- Virtue
Theme: Fidelity, definitely a virtue.
Aesthetics: Good colors. Good use of shallow DOF. Very pleasing to the eye. You picked the right time of day, the light is nice. I would have cropped out the side of the headstone that intrudes into the right side of the frame, or put a tad more of it in.
#19- Banjon- Pure
Theme: I think pure can be in theme, if it deals with purity in a moral or ethical sense. This seems a more aesthetic purity, so I am on the fence about it. Is it virtue? Hmmm...
Aesthetics: The tech aspects are good (focus, etc.) The colors are striking. I would have cropped either tighter or looser. Is the subject the flower, or the stamen?
#20 Pat66422- Delicious Misbehaviour
Theme: unquestionably about the sin of gluttony.
Aesthetics. I like the warm color temp. Very "summer day picnic." POV-style shot is interesting. Crumbs are a nice touch.
#21 Baron Von Kiper- Gluttony-a big block V8 & 12MPG
Theme: It's certainly sinful. At first I didn't think that gluttony was right, until I got the fact that MPG stands for "miles per gallon." I don't know much about cars, I am afraid.
Aesthetics: I like the color tones here. They are very rich. I realy would like to see the rest of this obviously beautiful machine, though.
Justi, Thanks for the compliment and critique on the photo. Ariel also has authority over the Earth and is the angel of healing and creation. That nasty little episode in Dante's Inferno was blown a little out of proportion.
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
Theme: I don't know. It is certainly ambiguous enough to fit. I am getting a sort of "pandora's box" feel off this photo, so perhaps the sin of grasping after forbidden knowledge?
Aesthetics: There are some things I really like about this image, and some I don't. What I dont like- basically the fact that the photo lacks sharpness. This really detracts from an otherwise very good photo.
What I do like- it's a powerful idea, which is generally well executed. The lighting is good, the compositional focus is tight. There is no noise in the background to detract from the "box" or whatever it is. Crop is very good, although I might like to see a bit peeled off the bottom. The one thing this shot lacks is a tripod.
Also, the title is too long. I know it has ambiguity by looking at it.
#23 Indiegirl- Hello, Cupcake
Theme: Definitely gluttony.
Aesthetics: I like this photo a lot (which is why I put it in my personal top ten). The photo definitely tells a story. It's whimsical, but not cheesy, which is a dfficult balance to strike. I like the fact that the subject is clearly isolated, and the DOF is tight- but you can still get what is going on in the background. It's not, however, "noisy." Well done.
#24 Greensquared- The Wages
Theme: The title connects it to sin, but I wonder if it doesn't cross over a bit too much into horror.
Aesthetics: Damn, this is an ugly photo (which is, I assume, the intended effect). Very scary. For some reason, it reminds me of Red Skull from the old Captain America comics. I also like the vignetting on the bottom (too bad it is sort of lost in the shadows on the top.) Makes it look more comic book like, which is a nice effect for this shot.
The connection to sin, however, is a bit too tenuous to hold up against some other very stiff competition, which is why It didn't make my top 10. Still, its good stuff.
#25 Swartzy- For the people
Theme: This doesn't scream out Sin or Virtue to me. Unless you regard victory as a virtue. Or perhaps martial virtue, but as I stated before, I prefer to read virtue in this context as normative rather than descriptive.
Aesthetics: A beautiful photo, one which I would be proud to have taken myself. I really love shots taken at this precise moment of the day, on the cusp between darkness and light. The colors are fantastic, you've preserved a lot of information in the shadows, and the overall exposure and lighting chocies are spot on. Did you climb this statue?
#26- The curious camel- Eve, where it all began...
Theme: Original Sin. If that isn't in theme, what is?
Aesthetics: Good idea. There are a few things I myself might have done differently. The first is the apple- I can't help but feel it should be red and more "sensual", if that makes sense. I also would like to see whatever that black stuff is at the bottom of the frame removed. the subjects are light colored, so a darker background would probably isolate them better.
That being said, this photo is the result of a lot fo right choices. The proportion between woman and apple is well balanced. It is in the right position in the foreground. The model's expression, of ambiguous interest in the forbidden object, is very good. And the DOF is nice.
#27- Kp-pix- it all staarted innocently enough
Theme: It ain't sin yet. But it sure will be.
The bad- The fact that there is ice in that glass bugs me. It's a wine glass that has water in it. Unless you put ice in the wine, which isn't sinful, but is certainly barbaric. That's a super minor quibble. I also think that the top of the glass is a tad cut off. I would have liked a ring that was more obviously a wedding band, or a very blurred out "object of desire" in the background, perhaps. Something to suggest that the tipping point is very close at hand.
The good- the B&W conversion is spectacular. The idea is clever, and well executed. I like the play of light and shadow across the hand, particularly the way it illuninates the ring. Whatever that bright white orb is on the right side, it balances the wine glass well. A very good photo, indeed.
The crop, this wasn't cropped at all. I had been taking pics of my daughter on a ladder, then had the idea, then went off in a flap. The camera was in the only place I could put it 'safely' without my dog knocking everything over, as they do! (and as an afterthought - I have not had a problem with the glass crop on my end to be honest, but don't mind the feedback as it has not been two people's preferred options so far).The sun was in the right spot for the backlighting - the lights in the background are actually just the car light reflection. Once I had the idea and afterthoughts - we had clouds
Hmmm I have a tendency to cut off a lot of things. I don't know if I will change that though.
Thanks for the feedback, I agree with all and it is appreciated!:ivar
*edited for thinking lol
I have been looking forward to your thoughts on my shot and others.
I must say I feel a little better. The comments you made has made me hopefully learn for the next round.
Thanks again so much for your insight.
Peace, gail
Theme: Looks sinful to me.
Aesthetics: There is a lot I dig about this. The red cast is a good choice. The DOF keeps you wondering about the contents of that screen. The wedding ring, classic. This is a good shot. But for god's sake man, isn't it time to upgrade that Mac?
#29 Sherstone- Reverend Dianne Astel
Theme: Yes. I guess it is.
Aesthetics: This one is really hard to judge. It straight up portrait that is essentially about the character of the person (that is to say, a real "portrait" as opposed to an image of a person) is an interestign choice for this contest, and its interesting to attempt to decipher it.
This portrait is really well done. The techs are all good, but beyond that, you have done an excellent job of capturing, to my mind, the depth of this person's character. I see resolution, doubt, strength, and weariness all together in this person's face. It also conveys this in an extremely understated way, and in a way that imbues the subject with a certain nobility. The more I look at this photo, the more I like it.
#30 imax- forgive me
Theme: Wow. This is so in theme. There couldn't be a more in theme photo than this one.
Aesthetics: Outstanding work. No detractions from me here. The lighting is perfect, particularly on the wood grain. The photo is stock still, but it screams of violence. It is a sad photo full of loathing, guilt, fear, and pain. Very, very powerful. I like that the subject is unknown. I feel like the subject of the photo has always been invisible, and that is how she ended up here. Damn.
#31 Robert- Filthy (m)animals
[image cannot be displayed small]
Theme: Yes. we are disgusting pigs. Particularly me.
Aesthetics: Good idea, and a great location for the shot. The composition, however, needs to grab me more. Everything is too centered and symetrical. Perhaps a wider angle, from below, with the schmutz up n your face?
#32 TPBinKC- Pure?
Theme: it fits
Aesthetics: Good idea. I like the contrast between purity and sin here. Exposure is good.
There are a few very basic things that would greatly improve this photo. On the bottom left corner there is a bit of red that intrudes into and throws off the balance of the frame. This could easily be cloned out with a bit of post processing. Or you could simply crop the shot. Also, while I am aware that there is some perspective distortion when shooting from below (unless you want to plonk down the cash for a tilt shift lens, which is tough) some of the distortion here is due to the fact that the horizon is not straight. A touch of straightening and cropping in PS will fix this right up.
#33 Felicia- Conquors All
Theme: Fits for virtue.
Aesthetics: I really can't comment on this, because I don't typically like this type of photograph. That is purely a reflection of personal taste, however, and does not reflect on the technical aspects of this shot, which are impressive. You can't ask a Vegan how to smoke good pork.
That being said, light-writing is difficult, and usually unbearably cheesy. This is not cheesy at all, and is quite well done. The letters actually look to be in the right proportion, and that's an acomplishment, since you are basically waving a glowstick in the dark. This is a good result of what is obviously a great deal fo effort.
#34 Dr. Dane- My religion is kindness
Theme: fits. eight fold path and all that.
Aesthetics: Something about this doesn't quite strike me as right, but I can't pin it down. Perhaps a tighter crop. I am assuming that the moon was added in post-processing, is that correct?
#35 Heather U-K- After Lust
Theme: it fits
Aesthetics: good idea, but I would prefer something a bit more, in your face. Without the title, the reference to sin is a little less than obvious. Then again, I am something of a voyuer.
You need some fill flash here. Force fire your flash with a diffusor, and you'll get a lot more detail out of the hands. the natural light here just isn't enough.
At this point I think I will not be doing this next round. I wish I had finished this before the semi-finalists were posted, because the wind has gone out of my sails a bit. I think the best advice everyone could do is to do the exact opposite of my suggestions, because it is clear that the judges and I are operating on completely different wavelengths.
However, having started, it would not be fair not to finish.
Also, if people stick their necks out, they should get some feedback. If not from the judges, at least from their peers.
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and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
The main element was alcohol - innocent intentions - and a negative outcome.
When I looked at it later, I wished I had taken off my rings altogether - to leave it completely open to any impression. The rings cluttered it, in my eyes anyway.
But then, it would have made the glass crop worse. *
I rarely make sense Hoofie:D
I disagree, strongly. I think the rings make the photo. I also regarded the "innocent intentions" as sort of a sham. Maybe I am reading something into it differently.
It made me think of the tricks we play on ourselves to justify bad behaviour. Of course I didn't intend to sleep with that lady. I just wanted to hang out in the hotel bar, and engage in some harmless flirtation. It was the alcohol that "made" me do it.
I'm looking at the title as being ironic.
Through the feedback, I can see another twist perhaps, by one ring with that lighting - turning into some seedy sort of affair kind of sin!
Which would have been a better photo than what I would have re-shot anyway, with my original idea - come to think of it
so no, don't do this next round