Opinions Please

Hello all,
I'm having a bit of a rough day today. The kids are sick, I'm feeling run down and I just had to put my cat to sleep. :cry
I took these the other day but would love some input. Thanks a bunch, Emily
#1 Persistence

#2 Extreme
I'm having a bit of a rough day today. The kids are sick, I'm feeling run down and I just had to put my cat to sleep. :cry
I took these the other day but would love some input. Thanks a bunch, Emily
#1 Persistence

#2 Extreme

Psalm 62:5-6
Poor kitty =c(
Persistence, to me has a much better feel to it.
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
I haven't commented on anything in here before so here goes assuming this is open to anyone?
I agree with pyroPrints but it seems like it needs more contrast maybe?
So sorry about your babies. Sick kids is hard then you pet to. God bless. Hope you have a better day.
Curious, it's open to not just anyone, but open especially to YOU! We want to hear ALL of the opinions out there, then decide which to listen to and which not....
Emily, I had to look close to see what your idea was. Cool! First one does look more compelling as I suppose the "face" is looking up and visible.. Assuming that you have some 10 days to enter, you might try doing this at a time of day when the sunlight is hitting the tree, so you can not only brighten up the subject but to perhaps deepen the darkness of the shadows in the bark, thus accentuating the cragginess of the tree. This might even be a good idea for a composite, superimposing the tree and climber on another background..
www.HoofClix.com / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
Very creative pictures. Love the idea. Took me a minute to figure out what
was going on. I like the perspective in #1. Can't say just how it might be
improved though I personally might try a little rotate right and decrease the
DOF (or blur) just a wee bit so as to be unable to see the grass et... for what it is. Don't think the base of the mountain has to be seen so well to know its one heck of long way down there. Lastly if we can see less "face" it would
be even harder to tell it from the real deal.
off sometime.
Thank you so much for the input. I will definitely be attempting a reshoot in the next few days.
As for the photos, I'll join the club and say I prefer Persistance. As a photographer and sometimes climber, I am usually trying to avoid butt shots like Extreme because they feature the rock rather than the climber. That said, given the theme maybe featuring the "rock" isn't such a bad thing here...
Some thoughts... a climber dressed orange or yellow might give the shot a bit more pop of you have one available. Other than that, I'd be inclined to set up a flash to create some artifical sunlight in the scene. Of course dramatic light is my answer to almost anything so take that advice for what it is worth.
I'm sorry to hear about your cat.
As for the photos, I'm afraid that neither one does much for me.
If you want to stick with the little climber, LiquidAir's idea thoughts on lighting bear some merit.
Hope your kids feel better soon.
Thanks for the input! I am going to try a reshoot with hopefully some dramatic lighting. Maybe that willl give this idea the push it needs.
Thank you for your honesty, and I understand what you're saying. I'm having to look at LPS differently these days since I've put my all into shots before, neglected my duties and family, came up with a shot I was happy with and still got nowhere. Now I shoot things that I really enjoy and feel can be a learning eperience for me. I think I can take this idea and end up with something kind of fun that has a message.
Of course, I may come up with something totally different and ditch this altogether, but in the meantime I'll keep working it!
As for "not getting anywhere", don't worry about it because this is not the only photo contest around. :photo There are plenty of others you can enter and I know your photos would do well. Very well, as a matter of fact.
You can always view the LPS as a means of weeding out which photos to enter into other contests/exhibits. The feedback here is excellent and if your work attracts the attention of folks here (official / non-official feedback and the whipping thread) then it just may attract the attention of others somewhere along the line. This has been my mindset.
I can't wait to see what you come up with!!!!
I was thinking maybe some ropes to make it seam more "real"????
Cool idea...
Neither picture is really jumping at me either. It's a cool idea, but would be better if the optical illusion was more believable. The 'cragginess' of the rocks could also be more pronounced. As it is, the doll draws your eye not the rocks, which isn't necessarily as on theme.
Nikon D300
Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8
Nikon 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6
Nikon 50mm f/1.8D
[SIZE=-3]Mary Beth Glasmann Photography[/SIZE]