LPS 14 - Argh!

Okay, does this happen to anyone else? You spend an entire day processing one image and go to bed happy and content that you've nailed it...only to wake up and absolutely hate some of the things you did the night before. :rolleyes Welcome to my morning!
I'm still tweaking this thing, but it's gotten to the point I just don't know anymore. So I figured I'd let all you experts have at it. Which version do you prefer?
Original Entry

New Version (lightened the face a little and made it a smidge less orange)

I'm still tweaking this thing, but it's gotten to the point I just don't know anymore. So I figured I'd let all you experts have at it. Which version do you prefer?
Original Entry

New Version (lightened the face a little and made it a smidge less orange)

The differences are very subtle and my monitor on my work pc is bad, but it appears that the skin tones in the 2nd are more natural. Take it with a grain of salt though - it could just be my monitor.
I think the plain green background detracts from the image. I don't know if it possible, but if you could reshoot with a wooded backdrop, I think it would really make the image.
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
I have a link bookmarked at home that may be useful for you.
#2 out of these two - great idea btw.
Thanks, Linda! I have dodged the eyes a bit already (moreso in the second version than the first), but I'll take another looksee at 'em. I was afraid of going too far and making them look nuclear.
I'm so glad I'm not alone in this.
Forest. The image really gives the druid vibe and a wooded setting would complete the fantasy.
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
Out of these I do prefer #2, however I think that a setup/backgroup other than a studio look may push this idea further. The wooded idea is interesting, but you could also try a black background and more dramatic lighting. You would need a little backlighting to make the twigs stand out as well.
Very cool idea and really nice as is, just a touch more drama would be worth pursuing.
I love the idea but I have to agree that I think a different background might work better. I love your paint color but the shadow from the twigs is distracting me.
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
(Sorry--I just really like green!
You do have a tough choice to make here, but all of these are an improvement over the original with those shadows now gone. I actually find #1 out of this batch quite engaging, and it would probably be my top pick. The other versions are quite nice too, just have a more "polished" look to them , so I guess it depends on what you're going for.
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
Ha! I'm flattered you'd even consider borrowing my stuff.
Thanks so much for your suggestion about the forest. I was lucky in that I went to the Poconos last weekend and had some fresh fall foliage shots to use.
Thanks, Emily. You have a good point about the polished look. #1 certainly has more of a story with that background. Hm...
Thank you for taking the time to comment.
I wish all my life's decisions could be so easily swayed by popular vote...
Thanks, Felicia!
Guess I have no choice but to abandon my love of green.
There's still green in the background.... GREENery!
Thank you! I have submitted to the peer pressure.