I'm stuck...Again

I really desperately need your feedback about which one you prefer and what's could be improved about it. Pleeeeeeeease!
1. Dream machine

2. Get off my lens

3. Touch me, feel me, smell me...

Thank you.
1. Dream machine

2. Get off my lens

3. Touch me, feel me, smell me...

Thank you.
I kinda
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
Number 3 is beautiful, just not sure how well it fits, but what do I know.
So I say to first eliminate the one that I see doesn't speak the theme at all to me, the motorcycle engine. Now we have the other two. The flower is so nicely delicate, speaks a bit of "smooth" to me, but I'm afraid it would be lost as "just another flower shot."
So... stick with your current entry and relax.. It's a unique shot that stands as good a chance as any!
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and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
I say.. submit that.
See chrome as very smooth...as you can see from some of my example shots....
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