LPS#15: Yeah or nay?

Well, I saw this absolultely "as is" (i.e. I didn't stage it, it's simply a capture of the real thing) and it kinda hit me hard, so not only I took this image, but also decided to run with it.
However, I'm torn between two quite different approaches.
As you can see, a little crop changes the meaning 180 degrees. :deal
Life *is* weird... :dunno
#1: Protecting the faith:

#2: Life, Faith and Death:

#1 is my current entry.
What do you think?
However, I'm torn between two quite different approaches.
As you can see, a little crop changes the meaning 180 degrees. :deal
Life *is* weird... :dunno
#1: Protecting the faith:

#2: Life, Faith and Death:

#1 is my current entry.
What do you think?
"May the f/stop be with you!"
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
thank you, appreciate the honesty!
Now, if you don't mind my asking: forget the themes
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
But why?
It speaks to me...that the person is a Fanatic or perhaps a Hypocrite...you can take it either way....
In once sense the bible says we should be one way, and you can see the person has religious teachings as we see multiple volumes religious readings, but on the other hand..there is a weapon of destruction that is known for killing or defending....but the gun is in a tight boxed area sort to speak, ...the person could be torn with his thoughts and is keeping a tight lid on it, so the gun is wedged in to keep from being able to use it easily??
Lots more I read into this composition....I hope I was able to type what my minds eye was seeing...
fair enough, I do appreciate your time and thoughts!
2 on the other hand is great with the Russian nested doll thing and the entire cross visible... I would just add one word to the title "death"
colors of life, the doll, colors of faith the black and white bibles, color of death, red dot on your gun, which signifies the safety is off...:D
Good luck
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
I'll remember this next time I see a gun...look for the red dot....
great idea with the second caption, changed it!
Thank you very much for your thoughts!
That's how I was taught... "when you see red your dead" so red means dead...
thank you very much for your time!
Appreciate your feedback, as always!
FWIW, safety was OFF, and I signified in post on purpose
Glad I could help, any time... One question, you said this wasn't contrived, and I believe you... I just hope this isn't how you normally store your gun???
It's an airsoft thingie, shoots plastic pellets
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
Number 2 gets me thinking the most, especially about the Russian doll and the gun - Russian roulette etc. There seems to be something quite sinister about it.
Number 1 just makes me go huhhh?
Both of the images make me think - what an interesting chap you must be
Cheers / Peter
My images | My blog | My free course
Peter, thank you!
And if you go to Arches next year you will definitely find if your last question holds any water
Thank you for your detailed comments!
I realize it's not very strong theme contender, but I keep thinking it carries enough of the controversy to be considered seriously.
I agree that it is strong enough to be considered!
I find it interesting how an image of a gun can stir so much emotion in each of us.
I agree with you Nikolia, that this has enough thought and content to be considered seriously, it is an interesting interpretation of the theme.
The above is in reference to #1
#2 loses something.
Sean, thank you!
#2 adds a third element. It can be considered as adding a third dimension, or as dilluting the first two