Assignment #58: Jewelry

Jewelry is surprisingly hard to photograph properly. Shiny and tiny, it tends to reflect everything around it, go out of focus faster than a racing car and cause all other possible problems for a person who tries to photograph it.
Nevertheless, this week we're going to take a shot at it.
Our goal is to create an image of a jewelry that would be suitable for one or several of the potential customers:
As always, fresh images only.
Let's get bejeweled!
Nevertheless, this week we're going to take a shot at it.
Our goal is to create an image of a jewelry that would be suitable for one or several of the potential customers:
- Online jewelry store (white page, no visible b/g)
- Fancy magazine full page ad (dark artsy b/g)
As always, fresh images only.
Let's get bejeweled!
"May the f/stop be with you!"
By trust me, I'm coming with the subjects all by myself!
That did not come to my mind !
Artsy-fartsy my butt!!!
OK, Before you yell at me for posting tons of shots, i just have to repeat, i did try and this is the proof. I just spent 1 hour shooting these
Nikon D700 x2/D300
Nikon 70-200 2.8/50 1.8/85 1.8/14.24 2.8
I lreally like the first 4
Thank you for trying!
I know it has too much shadows, that the shadows inside the ring are not very nice, that the shadow of the ring to the right is not nice ... but I tried.
More ? Yes, later.:D
Nikolai: b/g stands for what ?
Shot with my home-made macro lens !
I know, it's not perfect. The background is not very ... black ?
No white pages either :toni :deadhorse
Antonio, did you use frozen fish for your rings????
Nikon D700 x2/D300
Nikon 70-200 2.8/50 1.8/85 1.8/14.24 2.8
No, I didn't.
This was our dinner. Grilled with letuce and tomatoe salad
However, I am aware that it is far from beeing a good photo. I do know it could be improved. But I don't have two flashes, nor ... well... excuses
And I said in the very beginnning that shooting jewelry is tough (almost like women who like it so much:-)
I am going to try in some hours an idea I just had as I was walking my daily 3,5 kms ! ...
Just could not nail the focus with the closeup flter:cry dof extremely narrow ..... gonna try again later
The images I see...
Taken with my Fuji S5 and Sigma DC18-50mm 1:2.8 macro f/22 ISO 200 aperture piority. Cropped in CS3, then replace color, hue saturation and unsharp mask. - blog
Thank you!
Since it's not on a white b/g I assume this is supposed to be fancy magazine ad. WIth that in mind I'd say too much of a too bright b/g and not enough accent on the earrings themselves..
Wasn't sure if reflective white surfaces went with the theme...
Note: the reddish on the back is real and is why someone will be getting a new ring after this it would seem. Supporting it over the surface with a paperclip requires tape, not just bending the paperclip around the ring...
Ah, what wonders b/w does for removing that pesky if only it were that easy in real life... - blog
Thanks, Jed, great entries!
Uhm, I'm not sure. Now it looks plasticky.
Please check Jed's entry above, this is more what I had in mind...
Ok, here are my tries at a black background.
This is so hard to focus...I need a macro lens.
I held the ring up with a back wire (you can see the dark part on the right side) that I cloned out after.
The extra lighting is with a flashlight with a rather blue light.
The gold itself is a little dinged -- they are my rings and I've had them 5 yrs now.
-- I should add, my rings are white gold...
Thank you, nice entries!
I told you, jewelry IS hard to shoot
Here are two pics of my wedding band.
i've really got to get some dedicated photographic lighting for stuff like this.
inspired by the reversed lens macro i decided to try some jewelry with it
Just an hour into trying to focus with it i got this. what do you think?